Søk: 'Economic Policy 38'
Studyguide for Economic Approaches to Organizations, 4th Edition by Sytse Douma, ISBN 9780273681977: 9780273681977
ISBN 9781428842748 , 2010 , 4. utgave , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Ecological Food Production: A Food Production Policy for Britain
ISBN 9781872452258 , 1990 , Michael Begon,m.fl.
A Research Annualres in the History of Economic Thought & Methodology Vol20a (Rhet)
ISBN 9780762308477 , 2002 , Warren J. Samuels, Jeff E. Biddle
Who Prospers?: How Cultural Values Shape Economic and Political Success
ISBN 9780465091676 , 1993 , Lawrence E. Harrison
A Critique of Monetary Policy: Theory and British Experience
ISBN 9780198283195 , 1990 , John C. R. Dow, Iain D. Saville
Champions of the poor: the economic consequences of Judeo-Christian values
ISBN 9780878406654 , 1998 , Barend A. De Vries, Rembert G. Weakland
The Economic Geography of the Tourist Industry: A Supply-Side Analysis
ISBN 9780415164115 , 1998 , Dimitri Ioannides, Keith G. Debbage,m.fl.
The Geography of the World Economy: An Introduction to Economic Geography
ISBN 9780340706121 , 1998 , 3. utgave , John A. Agnew, Paul L. Knox
Exam Prep for International Economics: Theory and Policy by Krugman & Obstfeld, 7th Ed.
ISBN 9781428871885 , 2009 , 7. utgave , &. Obstfeld Krugman &. Obstfeld
Studyguide for International Economics: Theory and Policy by Paul R. Krugman, ISBN 9780321493040
ISBN 9781428851467 , 2009 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Lov av 29. mai 1981 nr. 38 om viltet (viltloven): med endringer, sist ved lov av 30. juni 2000 nr. 65 samt forskrifter
ISBN 9788202207397 , 2000 , Norge
The classroom struggle: policy and resistance in South Africa, 1940-1990
ISBN 9780869809525 , 2001 , Jonathan Hyslop
The Theory and Practice of Command and Control in Environmental Policy
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The Message of Redistribution: Disadvantage, Public Policy and the Human Good
ISBN 9781904508038 , 2003 , Jonathan Wolff
Why Are There So Many Banking Crises?: The Politics and Policy of Bank Regulation
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Obstacles to the Development of Modern State and Sustainable Economic Growth in Iran
ISBN 9780955596803 , 2007 , H. Zamani
Ethnic Groups in Motion: Economic Competition and Migration in Multi-Ethnic States
ISBN 9780714652313 , 2002 , Milica Zarkovic Bookman
American Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century: Social, Political, and Economic Challenges
ISBN 9780801880353 , 2004 , Patricia J. Gumport, Toru Umakoshi
Agra: economic and political profile of a Mughal suba, 1580-1707
ISBN 9788190029421 , 1998 , K.K. Trivedi
Motivation, Agency, and Public Policy: Of Knights and Knaves, Pawns and Queens
ISBN 9780199266999 , 2003 , Julian Le Grand
A Valuation of the Economic and Social Contribution of Forestry for People in Scotland
ISBN 9780855387822 , 2009 , David Edwards, Anna Elliot, Max Hislop
Studyguide for the Making of Economic Society by Robert L. Heilbroner, ISBN 9780131704251: 9780131704251
ISBN 9781428832237 , 2009 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Fallen Pillars: U.S. Policy Towards Palestine and Israel Since 1945
ISBN 9780887282621 , 1995 , Donald Neff
British Immigration Policy Since 1939: The Making of Multi-Racial Britain
ISBN 9780415136969 , 1997 , Ian R. G. Spencer
Making Sustainability Work: Best Practices in Managing and Measuring Corporate Social, Environmental, and Economic Impacts
ISBN 9781576754863 , 2008 , Marc J. Epstein
The new Europe: changing economic relations between East and West
ISBN 9780745010502 , 1991 , Susan Senior Nello
Rogue States and U.S. Foreign Policy: Containment After the Cold War
ISBN 9780943875972 , 2000 , Robert S. Litwak
Capital and Knowledge: Dynamics of Economic Structures With Non-Constant Returns
ISBN 9783540651345 , 1999 , Wei-Bin Zhang
A Theory of Interregional Dynamics: Models of Capital, Knowledge, and Economic Structures
ISBN 9783540443063 , 2003 , Wei-Bin Zhang
From political economy to anthropology: situating economic life in past societies
ISBN 9781895431896 , 1996 , Colin A.M. Duncan, David W. Tandy