Søk: 'Embodied visions: evolution, emotion, culture, and film'
Interrogating Postfeminism: Gender and the Politics of Popular Culture
ISBN 9780822340324 , 2007 , Yvonne Tasker, Diane Negra
The Arab World: Society, Culture and State
ISBN 9780520084278 , 1993 , Halim Barakat
Handbook of Material Culture
ISBN 9781412900393 , 2006 , Christopher Tilley, Webb Keane,m.fl.
Crossroads: American popular culture and the Vietnam generation
ISBN 9780742544437 , 2005
Mayan Visions: The Quest for Autonomy in an Age of Globalization
ISBN 9780203906705 , 2004 , June C. Nash
Film Art: And an Introduction with the Movie Business Book
ISBN 9780077116668 , 2006 , David Bordwell
Løperjenten : fra idé til film
ISBN 9788241205392 , 2007
Uncommon Sense: Understanding Nature's Truths Across Time And Culture
ISBN 9780870818288 , 2006 , Anthony F. Aveni
Creatures of Darkness: Raymond Chandler, Detective Fiction, and Film Noir
ISBN 9780813190426 , 2003 , Gene D. Phillips
Popular Culture in Early Modern Europe
ISBN 9780754665076 , 2009 , Peter Burke
Organization Theory for the Public Sector: Instrument, Culture and Myth
ISBN 9780415433815 , 2007 , Tom Christensen, Paul G. Roness, Per Lagrid,m.fl.
Being, evolution, and immortality: an outline of integral philosophy
ISBN 9780835604499 , 1974
Feminist Morality: Transforming Culture, Society, and Politics
ISBN 9780226325934 , 1993 , Virginia Held
Introduksjon til film: historie, teori og analyse
ISBN 9788241710537 , 2000 , Ove Solum, Lars Thomas Braaten, Stig Kulset
The Evolution of the Trade Regime: Politics, Law, and Economics of the GATT and the WTO
ISBN 9780691136165 , 2008 , Judith L. Goldstein, Richard H. Steinberg,m.fl.
Now a Major Motion Picture: Film Adaptations of Literature and Drama
ISBN 9780742538214 , 2007 , Christine Geraghty
Dietrich's ghosts: the sublime and the beautiful in Third Reich film
ISBN 9780851708829 , 2007
Archaeological Artefacts as Material Culture
ISBN 9780415320924 , 2006 , Linda Hurcombe
Perspectives on Africa: A Reader in Culture, History, and Representation
ISBN 9781444335224 , 2010 , Roy Richard Grinker, Christopher B. Steiner,m.fl.
Mannedyret: begjær i moderne film
ISBN 9788243003484 , 2005
Ireland and Scotland: Literature and Culture, State and Nation, 1966-2000
ISBN 9780198187769 , 2002 , Ray Ryan
The evolution controversy: a survey of competing theories
ISBN 9780801031748 , 2007 , Thomas B. Fowler, Daniel Kuebler
Studies on Ottoman Society and Culture, 16th - 18th Centuries
ISBN 9780754659310 , 2007 , Rhoads Murphey
Black Magic: White Hollywood and African American Culture
ISBN 9780813533834 , 2004 , Krin Gabbard
Culture and the State in Late Choson Korea
ISBN 9780674007741 , 2002 , JaHyun Kim Haboush, Martina Deuchler
Chinese Tea Culture
ISBN 9787119021447 , 2000
Creative postproduction: editing, sound, visual effects, and music for film and video
ISBN 9780205375752 , 2004 , Patrick Williams, Michael Brown, Robert Benedetti,m.fl.
Myths of the Archaic State: Evolution of the Earliest Cities, States, and Civilizations
ISBN 9780521521567 , 2005 , Norman Yoffee
Feminism in Popular Culture
ISBN 9781845202224 , 2005 , Joanne Hollows, Rachel Moseley
Feminism In Popular Culture
ISBN 9781845202231 , 2005 , Joanne Hollows, Rachel Moseley