Søk: 'Feminist Crime Writing: The Politics of Genre'
Gendering American politics: perspectives from the literature
ISBN 9780321090867 , 2005 , Sarah Brewer, Michael Fisher
A short guide to writing about art
ISBN 9780136138556 , 2008 , Sylvan Barnet
Swahili modernities: culture, politics, and identity on the east coast of Africa
ISBN 9781592210466 , 2004 , Patricia Caplan, Pat Caplan, Farouk Topan
Dairy Queens: The Politics of Pastoral Architecture from Catherine De' Medici to Marie-Antoinette
ISBN 9780674048997 , 2011 , Meredith S. Martin
Human Rights in Latin America: A Politics of Terror and Hope
ISBN 9780812221527 , 2011
Crude power: politics and the oil market
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Asia: Cultural Politics in the Global Age
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Writing Research Papers: A Complete Guide
ISBN 9780205699131 , 2010 , James D. Lester, Jim Lester
Illuminations: women writing on photography from the 1850s to the present
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What Is Politics?: The Activity and Its Study
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European Union Politics
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Anti-Immigrantism in Western Democracies: Statecraft, Desire and the Politics of Exclusion
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Charting the consequences: the impact of Charter rights on Canadian law and politics
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Music and Society: The Politics of Composition, Performance and Reception
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Media Politics - A Citizen's Guide
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After the USSR: Ethnicity, Nationalism and Politics in the Commonwealth of Independent Statest
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Choosing Europe?: The European Elecorate and National Politics in the Face of Union
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Scandinavian Politics Today
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Developments in Russian Politics
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City Politics, Canada
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Politics Among Nations
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Body, Paper, Stage: Writing and Performing Autoethnography
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Visions of Politics: Volume 2, Renaissance Virtues
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All Consuming Images: The Politics Of Style In Contemporary Culture
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Belfast politics: thoughts on the British constitution
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Museum politics: power plays at the exhibition
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