Søk: 'Fighting Words: Black Women and the Search for Justice'
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Ford Madox Ford And The Regiment Of Women: Violet Hunt, Jean Rhys, Stella Bowen, Janice Biala
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Physics for Scientists and Engineers
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Black Athena: Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization, Volume II: The Archaeological and Documentary Evidence
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I, Tituba, Black Witch of Salem
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Images of Women in Antiquity
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Shattering Silence: Women, Nationalism, and Political Subjectivity in Northern Ireland
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Women in India, two perspectives
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How to Show Things With Words: A Study on Logic, Language And Literature
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In others words: a coursebook on translation
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A Comparison Between Women and Men: Tarabai Shinde and the Critique of Gender Relations in Colonial India
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A Changing World of Words: Studies in English Historical Lexicography, Lexicology and Semantics
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Magnetic Love Signs: When Words Just Aren't Enough
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No shortcuts to power: African women in politics and policy making
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Turning Words, Spinning Worlds: Chapters in Organizational Ethnography
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Daughters of Tunis: women, family, and networks in a Muslim city
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Matematik for lærerstuderende - Delta
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A Personal Portrait: Your Life, Your Words, Your Legacy
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A Shared Experience: Men, Women, Amd the History of Gender
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Airplanes, Women, and Song: Memoirs of a Fighter Ace, Test Pilot, and Adventurer
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