Søk: 'Liberated Cinema: The Yugoslav Experience, 1945 - 2001'
Unge osinger i krigsår: okkupasjonstida i Os, 1940-1945
ISBN 9788299484169 , 2000 , Tore Myre
A European experience of the Mughal Orient: the Ijaz-i-arsalani (Persian letters 1773-1779) of Antoine-Louis Henri Polier
ISBN 9780195649802 , 2001 , Seema Alavi, Muzzafar Alam,m.fl.
Osenbilder: Osens voksne befolkning under krigen : bilder fra identitetskort 1941-1945
ISBN 9788230000748 , 2004 , Eivind Bremnes
Classical Film Violence: Designing and Regulating Brutality in Hollywood Cinema, 1930-1968
ISBN 9780813532806 , 2003
Grunnfjellet: dikt og salmer : knytta opp til bibeltekstar i kyrkjeåret2000/2001
ISBN 9788292364048 , 2003 , 1. utgave , Einar Nordnes
Forskrift av 28. juni 1985 nr. 1679 om ordningen av påtalemyndigheten (Påtaleinstruksen): med endringer, sist ved lover av 6. juli 2001 nr. 761 (i kraft 1. august 2001) og av 6. juli 2001 nr. 758 (i kraft 1. se
ISBN 9788202199791 , 2002 , Justis- og politidepartementet
Krig og strategisk tenkning i Europa 1500-1945: samfunnsendring - statssystem - militær teori
ISBN 9788202238971 , 2005 , Rolf Hobson
Fallen Pillars: U.S. Policy Towards Palestine and Israel Since 1945
ISBN 9780887282621 , 1995 , Donald Neff
Medusa's Hair: An Essay on Personal Symbols and Religious Experience
ISBN 9780226616018 , 1984 , Gananath Obeyesekere
A Time of Silence: Civil War and the Culture of Repression in Franco's Spain, 1936-1945
ISBN 9780521594011 , 1998 , Antoine Prost, Jay Winter, Paul Kennedy,m.fl.
Vom Nullpunkt zur Wende - : deutschsprachige Literatur nach 1945 ; ein Lesebuch fur die Sekundarstufe
ISBN 9783884748022 , 2005 , H. Krauss
A Command Post at War: First Army Headquarters in Europe, 1943-1945
ISBN 9781410225375 , 2006 , David, W. Hogan Jr.
En kvinne i Berlin: dagboknotater fra 20. april til 22. juni 1945
ISBN 9788204123756 , 2006 , Anonym
Norsk skole i europeisk perspektiv: takt eller utakt 1945-1997
ISBN 9788251835671 , 1997 , Torstein Harbo
I strid siden freden : historien om VÃ¥rt land 1945-1995
ISBN 9788290021400 , 1994 , Per Voksø
En kvinne i Berlin: dagboknotater fra 20. april til 22. juni 1945
ISBN 9788204104953 , 2005 , Ute Neumann, Anonym
Allyn and Bacon Digital Media Archive CD-ROM for Education, 2001 Edition
ISBN 9780205319602 , 2000 , ALLYN
Songs of Innocence and of Experience: Shewing the Two Contrary States of the Human Soul, 1789-1794
ISBN 9780192810892 , 1970 , Sir Geoffrey Keynes, Blake William
Literature for the English classroom: theory into practice
ISBN 9788245013825 , 2013
Vi er jo et militært parti: den norske militærfascismens historie 1930-1945
ISBN 9788230400593 , 2010 , Lars Borgersrud
Mothers and education: inside out?: exploring family-education policy and experience
ISBN 9780333565933 , 1993 , Miriam E. David
A Little Left of Center: An Editor Reflects on His Mennonite Experience
ISBN 9780966502176 , 2000 , Daniel Hertzler
Aesthetic Experience In Science Education: Learning And Meaning-making As Situated Talk And Action
ISBN 9780805855036 , 2005 , Per-Olof Wickman
Aesthetic Experience in Science Education: Learning and Meaning-Making as Situated Talk and Action
ISBN 9781410615756 , 2005 , Per-Olof Wickman
Birth statistics: review of the Registrar General on births and patterns of family building in England and Wales, 2001
ISBN 9780117055858 , 2003 , Great Britain: Office for National Statistics
Harmonic Experience: Tonal Harmony from Its Natural Origins to Its Modern Expression
ISBN 9780892815609 , 1997 , W.A. Mathieu
Behind the Seen: How Walter Murch Edited Cold Mountain Using Apple's Final Cut Pro and What This Means for Cinema
ISBN 9780735714267 , 2005
Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in American History Since 1945
ISBN 9780072828214 , 2003
Histoire de la construction européenne de 1945 à nos jours
ISBN 9782870278819 , 2001 , Marie-Thérèse Bitsch
Ordenes tavshed: om terror og krig : tale til den russiske Duma Moskva, november 2001
ISBN 9788741224947 , 2003 , Zygmunt Bauman, Tim May, Ulrich Beck