Søk: 'Managing cultural differences'
Anthropology of the Self: The Individual in Cultural Perspective
ISBN 9780745308586 , 1994 , Brian Morris
Studyguide for Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change by Tidd, ISBN 9780470093269
ISBN 9781428863811 , 2008 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Madonna's Drowned Worlds: New Approaches to Her Cultural Transformations, 1983-2003
ISBN 9780754633716 , 2004 , Santiago Fouz-Hernandez, Freya Jarman-Ivens
Pragmatism and the Political Economy of Cultural Revolution, 1850-1940
ISBN 9780807846643 , 1997 , Alan Trachtenberg, James Livingston
Corporate information systems management: the challenges of managing in an information age
ISBN 9780072902822 , 1999 , Lynda M. Applegate, James I. Cash,m.fl.
Managing Customers As Investments: The Strategic Value Of Customers In The Long Run
ISBN 9780131428959 , 2005 , Donald R. Lehmann
Arts in cultural diversity: a selection of papers
ISBN 9780039002343 , 1980 , International Society For Education Through Art,m.fl.
The Practice of Theory: Poststructuralism, Cultural Politics, and Art History
ISBN 9780801481536 , 1994 , Keith P. F. Moxey
After Freedom: A Cultural Study in the Deep South
ISBN 9780299137847 , 1993 , Hortense Powdermaker, Brackette F. Williams,m.fl.
Field of cultural production - essays on art and literature
ISBN 9780745609874 , 1993 , Pierre Bourdieu
Corporate information strategy and management: the challenges of managing in a network economy
ISBN 9780072456653 , 2002 , Lynda M. Applegate, Robert D. Austin,m.fl.
Creative Cities: Cultural Industries, Urban Development and the Information Society
ISBN 9789515580238 , 1999 , Jan Verwijnen, Panu Lehtovuori
Jesus Beyond Nationalism: Constructing the Historical Jesus in a Period of Cultural Complexity
ISBN 9781845534110 , 2009 , Halvor Moxnes, Ward Blanton, James G. Crossley
Jesus Beyond Nationalism: Constructing the Historical Jesus in a Period of Cultural Complexity
ISBN 9781845534103 , 2009 , Halvor Moxnes, Ward Blanton, James G. Crossley
Arts under pressure: promoting cultural diversity in the age of globalization
ISBN 9781842772621 , 2003 , Joost Smiers
Symbolic Interactionism and Cultural Studies: The Politics of Interpretation
ISBN 9781557862914 , 1992
Organizing Innovation: New Approaches to Cultural Change And Intervention in Public Sector Organizations
ISBN 9781586035785 , 2006 , Marcel Veenswijk
Fast food/slow food: the cultural economy of the global food system
ISBN 9780759109148 , 2006 , Richard R. Wilk
Myth, Meaning, And Performance: Toward a New Cultural Sociology of the Arts
ISBN 9781594512155 , 2006 , Lisa McCormick, Professor Ron Eyerman
Consuming the Romantic Utopia: Love and the Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism
ISBN 9780520205710 , 1997
Managing the Human Factor in Information Security: How to win over staff and influence business managers
ISBN 9780470721995 , 2009 , David Lacey
English for International Negotiations: A Cross-Cultural Case Study Approach
ISBN 9780521657495 , 1998 , Drew Rodgers
Spaces of Identity: Global Media, Electronic Landscapes and Cultural Boundaries
ISBN 9780415095976 , 1995 , David Morley, Kevin Robins
Out of Site - Landscape and Cultural Reflexivity in New Hollywood Cinema 1969-1974
ISBN 9783836458504 , 2008 , Henrik Gustafsson
Central Sites, Peripheral Visions: Cultural and Institutional Crossings in the History of Anthropology
ISBN 9780299219208 , 2006 , Richard Handler
Cultural Economics: The Arts, the Heritage, and the Media Industries
ISBN 9781858983837 , 1997 , Ruth Towse
Alcohol Use And Sexual Risk Behavior: A Cross-cultural Study in Eight Countries
ISBN 9789241562898 , 2005
Cultural Studies Goes to School: Reading and Teaching Popular Media
ISBN 9780748402007 , 1994 , David Buckingham, Julian Sefton-Green
Academic and Workplace Sexual Harassment: A Handbook of Cultural, Social Science, Management, and Legal Perspectives
ISBN 9781607520764 , 2009 , Greenwood, Patricia J. Gumport
Analyzing and managing banking risk: a framework for assessing corporate governance and financial risk
ISBN 9780821354186 , 2003 , Hennie van Greuning, Sonja Brajovic Bratanovic