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Auguste Comte and the Religion of Humanity: The Post-theistic Program of French Social Theory
ISBN 9780521023627 , 2005 , Andrew Wernick
Social Media Marketing
ISBN 9781133589273 , 2012 , Melissa Barker, Krista Neher, Donald I. Barker
Constructing social research: the unity and diversity of method
ISBN 9780803990210 , 1994 , Charles C. Ragin
Research Methods in Psychology: Investigating Human Behavior
ISBN 9781412960496 , 2011 , Paul G. Nestor
Digital disability: the social construction of disability in new media
ISBN 9780742518438 , 2002 , Gerard Goggin, Christopher Newell
Handbook of research methods in clinical psychology
ISBN 9780471295099 , 1999 , Philip C. Kendall, James Neal Butcher,m.fl.
A Beekeeper's Guide to Feeding - A Collection of Articles on the Methods and Equipment of Feeding Bees
ISBN 9781446542569 , 2011 , Various
The Animator's Survival Kit--Revised Edition: A Manual of Methods, Principles and Formulas for Classical, Computer, Games, Stop Motion and Internet Animators
ISBN 9780571238347 , 2009 , Richard E. Williams
Risk Assessment: Theory, Methods, and Applications
ISBN 9780470637647 , 2011 , Marvin Rausand
Analysing Discourse: Textual Analysis for Social Research
ISBN 9780415258920 , 2003 , Norman Fairclough
Probabilistic Methods of Signal and System Analysis
ISBN 9780195123548 , 1998 , George R. Cooper, Clare D. McGillem
The New Public: Professional Communication and the Means of Social Influence
ISBN 9780521481465 , 1997 , Jeffrey C. Alexander, Steven Seidman,m.fl.
Social Threat or Social Justice?
ISBN 9783836429504 , 2007 , Stephanie Bontrager
No Sense of Place: The Impact of the Electronic Media on Social Behavior
ISBN 9780195042313 , 1985 , Joshua Meyrowitz
Social Identity
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Design Methods
ISBN 9780471284963 , 1992 , John Chris Jones, J.Christopher Jones
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ISBN 9780534176464 , 1994 , Donald H. McBurney, Patrick Middleton
Handbook of Affect and Social Cognition
ISBN 9780805842838 , 2001 , Joseph P. Forgas
Methods in Psychological Research
ISBN 9781412977883 , 2010 , Annabel Ness Evans, Bryan J. Rooney
Research Methods in Psychology
ISBN 9780857022639 , 2012 , Jonathan A. Smith, Daniel B. Wright
Methods in Behavioral Research
ISBN 9780071314893 , 2012 , Paul C. Cozby
Models, Numbers, and Cases: Methods for Studying International Relations
ISBN 9780472068616 , 2004 , Detlef F. Sprinz, Yael Wolinsky-Nahmias
Connected: The Amazing Power of Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives
ISBN 9780007303601 , 2011 , Nicholas A. Christakis, James H. Fowler
The Social Dimensions of Climate Change: Equity and Vulnerability in a Warming World
ISBN 9780821378878 , 2009 , Robin Mearns
Data Analysis Methods in Physical Oceanography
ISBN 9780123877826 , 2014 , Richard E. Thomson, William J. Emery
Social Media Marketing
ISBN 9780132551793 , 2012 , Michael R. Solomon
A Social and Economic Theory of Consumption
ISBN 9780230244108 , 2011 , Alan Warde, Kaj Ilmonen, Pekka Sulkunen,m.fl.
For the Sake of Elena
ISBN 9780340831373 , 2004 , Elizabeth George
Spatial Divisions of Labour: Social Structures and the Geography of Production
ISBN 9780333594940 , 1995 , Doreen Massey
Philosophical Papers: Volume 2, Philosophy and the Human Sciences
ISBN 9780521317498 , 1985 , C. A. Taylor