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Arab Human Development Report 2004: Towards Freedom in the Arab World
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Adam's Dream: Human longings and the love of God. The 2008 Mowbray Lent Book
ISBN 9781906286101 , 2008 , Keith Jones
The Great Unraveling: Losing Our Way in the New Century
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Alexander the Great: Man and God
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Our Bodies And How We Live - An Elementery Text-Book Of Physiology And Hygiene For Use In Schools
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An English Garner: Ingatherings from Our History and Literature, Volume 2
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Academic freedom in the wired world: political extremism, corporate power, and the university
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To the End of the Land
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Lifelines from our past: a new world history
ISBN 9781563240317 , 1992 , Leften Stavros Stavrianos
God tur til De greske øyer
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Intellectuals Don't Need God and Other Modern Myths: Building Bridges to Faith Through Apologetics
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From War to Democracy: Dilemmas of Peacebuilding
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A Garden Experience: Trusting God to Lift You Up and Carry You During Difficult Times in Your Life
ISBN 9781451283211 , 2010 , Janie Hibbler Robinson
Finding Our Way: A Guide for Surviving Chronic Pain
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God alone: the collected writings of St. Louis Mary de Montfort
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God dag, jeg er et barn: om barn som lever med rus eller psykisk sykdom i familien
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An Analysis of Ageism, the Challenges it Presents to the Personal Identities of Elders and the Prospects for Development, in Social Work Practice, of Positive Identity Work with Elders
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A Child's Work: Freedom and Play in Froebel's Educational Theory and Practice
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Married in the sight of God: theology, ethics, and church debates over homosexuality
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