Søk: 'The Witch-hunt in Early Modern Europe'
The Development of the Economies of Continental Europe 1850-1914 (Routledge Revivals)
ISBN 9780415616133 , 2011 , Alan S. Milward
Decadent Subjects: The Idea of Decadence in Art, Literature, Philosophy, and Culture of the Fin de Siècle in Europe
ISBN 9780801867408 , 2002 , Charles Bernheimer, Thomas Jefferson Kline,m.fl.
Calculus for Scientists and Engineers: Early Transcendentals
ISBN 9780321814531 , 2012
Becoming Europe: Immigration, Integration, and the Welfare State
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Modern Inquisitions
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Birthmarks of Europe: The Origins of the European Community Reconsidered
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Grieve? Modern Manual Therapy: The Vertebral Column
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Calculus 1: Early Transcendental Functions
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The Painting of Modern Life: Paris in the Art of Manet and His Followers
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Modern British Drama: The Twentieth Century
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The Machine at Work: Nihilism and Hermeneutics in Post-Modern Culture
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Environmental Governance in Europe: An Ever Closer Ecological Union?
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Early Humans and Their World
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How to Read a Modern Painting: Understanding and Enjoying the Modern Masters
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Modern Music and After
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A History of the Modern Middle East
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A Union of Diversity: Language, Identity and Polity-Building in Europe
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Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach
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Sears and Zemansky's University Physics: With Modern Physics
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Building the New World: Studies in the Modern Architecture of Latin America, 1930-1960
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The Ambivalence of Identity: The Austrian Experience of Nation-Building in a Modern Society
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Modernity and self-identity - self and society in the late modern age
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Modern Labor Economics
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The Struggle for Modern Nigeria: The Biafran War 1966-1970
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A Course in Modern Analysis and its Applications
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Twentieth-century Jewellery: From Art Nouveau to Comtemporary Design in Europe and the United States
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Land-use Changes and Their Environmental Impact in Rural Areas in Europe
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Europe and the people without history
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Modern Ceramic Engineering: Properties, Processing, and Use in Design
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Serial Music, Serial Aesthetics: Compositional Theory in Post-War Europe
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