Søk: 'Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art'
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Know Your Chances: Understanding Health Statistics
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Emotions Revealed: Understanding Faces and Feelings
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Throughout: Art and Culture Emerging with Ubiquitous Computing
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Understanding Contemporary Latin America
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Understanding Contemporary Latin America
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Proofs that Really Count: The Art of Combinatorial Proof
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The Art of the Italian Renaissance: Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, Drawing
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Gothic Art
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Handbook of Art Therapy, Second Edition
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Flash Web design: the art of motion graphics : the V5 remix
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Janson's History of Art, Book 3: The Renaissance Through the Rococo: Portable Edition
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Computational Explorations in Cognitive Neuroscience: Understanding the Mind by Simulating the Brain
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Biographies and Space: Placing the Subject in Art and Architecture
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Art History: Vol. 1
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Art: a brief history
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Uncommon Understanding: See PB Ed
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Impressions: a selection of litterature and other art forms from the English-speaking world
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Art Line Thought
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