Søk: 'Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life'
An Enchanted Modern: Gender and Public Piety in Shi'i Lebanon
ISBN 9780691124216 , 2006 , Lara Deeb
Race, Racism and Psychology: Towards a Reflexive History
ISBN 9780415101400 , 2004 , Graham Richards
Totalitarianism and the Modern Conception of Politics
ISBN 9780300071801 , 2000 , Michael Halberstam
Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe
ISBN 9780521778220 , 2000 , Merry E. Wiesner
An Introduction to Cognitive Psychology: Processes and Disorders
ISBN 9780863776403 , 1999 , Anthony Esgate, Richard Kemp, David Groome,m.fl.
Cultural Diversity: Its Social Psychology
ISBN 9780631231233 , 2003 , Xenia Chryssochoou
Design and Analysis of Modern Tracking Systems
ISBN 9781580530064 , 1999 , Robert Popoli, Samuel S. Blackman
Modern Standard Arabic Grammar
ISBN 9789774160127 , 2006 , Azza Hassanein
Modern Criticism and Theory: A Reader
ISBN 9780582494602 , 1988 , David Lodge
The Aesthetics of Everyday Life
ISBN 9780231135030 , 2005 , Andrew Light, Jonathan M. Smith
A day in the life: studying daily life through history
ISBN 9780313332333 , 2006 , Peter N. Stearns
Applied Psychology in Human Resource Management
ISBN 9781292023472 , 2013 , Wayne F. Cascio
Introduction to Modern Information Retrieval
ISBN 9781856046947 , 2010 , G.G. Chowdhury
Demonic Possession and Exorcism in Early Modern France
ISBN 9780415212656 , 2004 , Sarah Ferber
Life and Death on Mt. Everest - Sherpas and Himalayan Mountaineering
ISBN 9780691074481 , 2001 , Sherry B. Ortner
Handbook of Sports Psychology
ISBN 9781607412564 , 2010 , Calvin H. Chang
The Psychology of Advertising
ISBN 9781141567188 , 2010 , Walter Dill Scott
Biochemistry: The Molecular Basis of Life
ISBN 9780199920464 , 2012 , James Robert McKee
Dictionary of Psychology
ISBN 9780440319252 , 1998 , J.P. Chaplin
Mutual Aid Groups, Vulnerable and Resilient Populations, and the Life Cycle
ISBN 9780231128841 , 2005 , Lawrence Schulman
Life-span Development
ISBN 9780071121545 , 2001 , John W. Santrock
Critical Thinking About Research: Psychology and Related Fields
ISBN 9781557984555 , 1997 , Julian Meltzoff
Modern Industrial Organization
ISBN 9780321223418 , 2003 , Jeffrey M. Perloff, Dennis William Carlton
The Petty Details of So-and-So's Life
ISBN 9780099446996 , 2004 , Camilla Gibb
A Modern Introduction to Probability and Statistics: Understanding Why and How
ISBN 9781849969529 , 2010 , F. M Dekking, C Kraaikamp, H P Lopuhaa,m.fl.
Atkinson & Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology
ISBN 9781408032077 , 2009 , Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, Willem Wagenaar,m.fl.
The Modern Middle East
ISBN 9780415214094 , 2005 , Ilan Pappé
Introducing Child Psychology
ISBN 9780631216278 , 2003 , H. Rudolph Schaffer
Thinking About Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behavior
ISBN 9780716785002 , 2007 , Charles T. Blair-Broeker, Randal M. Ernst
Real analysis: modern techniques and their applications
ISBN 9780471317166 , 1999 , Gerald B. Folland