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Physics and Technology of Solar Energy: Volume I: Solar Thermal Applications
ISBN 9789027725585 , 1987 , H.P. Garg, M. Dayal, G. Furlan, V.K. Sharma,m.fl.
How designers think: the design process demystified
ISBN 9780750660778 , 2005 , Bryan Lawson
Renewable Energy: Sources for Fuels and Electricity
ISBN 9781559631389 , 1992 , Thomas B. Johansson, Laurie Burnham
Amerikansk politikk: politisk system og politisk tenkning
ISBN 9788279351801 , 2008 , Bjørn Erik Rasch
System Center Service Manager 2010 Unleashed
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Cytochromes c: evolutionary, structural, and physicochemical aspects
ISBN 9783540508526 , 1990 , Geoffrey Robert Moore, Graham Walter Pettigrew
Drugs Natural Origin: Economic and Policy Aspects of Discovery, Development, and Marketing
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Managing the brief for better design
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The Algorithm Design Manual with CDROM
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Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology with IP 9-System Suite
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The Effective Organization: Practical Application of Complexity Theory and Organizational Design to Maximize Performance in the Face of Emerging Events.
ISBN 9780203850077 , 2010 , Dennis Tafoya
Advanced Textile Design
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Anglo-Benoni Four Knights System
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Fast and Effective Embedded Systems Design: Applying the ARM Mbed
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The resonant interface: HCI foundations for interaction design
ISBN 9780321375964 , 2007 , Steven Heim
Basics of Web Design - HTML5 and CSS3 (International Edition)
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Advanced Power System Analysis and Dynamics
ISBN 9788122420494 , 2007 , L.P. Singh
A Guide to the Rules of Yacht Racing - A Collection of Historical Sailing Articles on Protest Cases, Rights of Way, Recalls and Other Aspects of Yacht Racing Rules
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Computer-Aided Power System Analysis
ISBN 9780203910832 , 2002
Computer-aided Power System Analysis
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Be Happy Without Being Perfect: How to Break Free from the Perfection Deception in All Aspects of Your Life
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Handbook of Longitudinal Research: Design, Measurement, and Analysis
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Patternmaking for Fashion Design
ISBN 9780136121480 , 2009 , Helen Joseph Armstrong
Gender inclusive game design : expanding the market
ISBN 9781584502395 , 2004 , Sheri Graner Ray
A Survey of Models for Tumor-Immune System Dynamics
ISBN 9780817639013 , 1997 , John A. Adam, Nicola Bellomo