Søk: 'Advanced Security Technologies in Networking'
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Apache HTTP Server 2.2 Official Documentation - Volume II. Security and Server Programs
ISBN 9781596821927 , 2010 , The Apache Software Foundation
The Eu S Common Foreign and Security Policy: The Quest for Democracy
ISBN 9780415508544 , 2012
Advanced Transport Phenomena: Fluid Mechanics and Convective Transport Processes
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America's global role: essays and reviews on national security, geopolitics, and war
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Security engineering: a guide to building dependable distributed systems
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Dynamics of Modern Communication: The Shaping and Impact of New Communication Technologies
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New Understanding Computer Science for Advanced Level
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Enterprise Information Systems Assurance And System Security: Managerial And Technical Issues
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Nuffield Advanced Science: Book of Data
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ISBN 9781617446429 , 2010 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews