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A Guide to Bird-watching in Europe
ISBN 9780370104768 , 1975 , James Ferguson-Lees, Quentin Hockliffe,m.fl.
Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Southern Europe, South America, and Post-Communist Europe
ISBN 9780801851575 , 1996 , Juan José Linz, Alfred C. Stepan
A Guide to References and Resources in Child Abuse and Neglect
ISBN 9780910761932 , 1998 , The American Academy of Pediatrics,m.fl.
A New God for the Crawfish People: Tales of a Bayou Boy With 4 Souls, a Child of Strange Fruit & What Happened When the Butcher Bird Died
ISBN 9781432707279 , 2007 , Bob Ed Radley
A New God for the Crawfish People: Tales of a Bayou Boy With 4 Souls, a Child of Strange Fruit & What Happened When the Butcher Bird Died
ISBN 9781432714703 , 2007 , Bob Ed Radley
Decline of Christendom in Western Europe, 1750-2000
ISBN 9780511058660 , 2003 , Hugh McLeod, McLeod/Ustorf
A Novel Industry Approach to Create New Tools for Tuberculosis
ISBN 9788190123877 , 2005 , Carol A. Nacy
Building Europe: The Cultural Politics of European Integration
ISBN 9780415180146 , 2000 , Cris Shore
The Price of Freedom: a history of East Central Europe from the Middle Ages to the present
ISBN 9780415254915 , 2001 , Piotr Stefan Wandycz
Combating Organised Crime: Best Practice Surveys of the Council of Europe
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Popular Culture in Early Modern Europe
ISBN 9780754665076 , 2009 , Peter Burke
Islam and Public Controversy in Europe
ISBN 9781472413130 , 2013 , Nilufer Gole
Citizenship in Nordic Welfare States: Dynamics of Choice, Duties and Participation in a Changing Europe
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The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana: An Illustrated Novel
ISBN 9780436205637 , 2005 , Umberto Eco, Geoffrey Brock
Prehistoric Europe: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781405125963 , 2008 , Andrew Jones
Activating the citizen: dilemmas of participation in Europe and Canada
ISBN 9780230575943 , 2009 , Joan DeBardeleben, Jon H. Pammett
The Solitaire Mystery: A Novel about Family and Destiny
ISBN 9780425159996 , 1997 , Jostein Gaarder
E-learning in Europe - Learning Europe: How Have New Media Contributed to the Development of Higher Education?
ISBN 9783830915584 , 2005 , Ullrich Dittler, Helge Kahler, Michael Kindt,m.fl.
An Historical Geography of Europe Abridged version
ISBN 9780521311090 , 1990 , Norman John Greville Pounds
The Formation Of A Persecuting Society: Power And Deviance In Western Europe, 950-1250
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European Social Charter: Conclusions XVIII-2
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A Glossary of Literary Terms
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Child and Adolescent Therapy: Cognitive-Behavioral Procedures
ISBN 9781593851132 , 2006 , Philip C. Kendall
Becoming European: The Transformation of Third Millennium Northern and Western Europe
ISBN 9781842174500 , 2011 , Håkon Glørstad
The Experience of Power in Medieval Europe: 950-1350
ISBN 9780754651062 , 2005 , Alan Cooper, III Berkhofer Robert F.
Cultures and Nations of Central and Eastern Europe
ISBN 9780916458935 , 2001 , Zvi Y. Gitelman
Coping and the Development of Regulation: New Directions for Child and Adol
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Globalisation, Migration, and the Future of Europe: Insiders and Outsiders
ISBN 9780415669047 , 2011 , Leila Simona Talani
Pamela, or, The reform of a rake: a play adapted from the novel by Samuel Richardson
ISBN 9780906399736 , 1987 , Samuel Richardson, Fidelis Morgan, Giles Havergal
A Sonnet from Carthage: Garcilaso De La Vega and the New Poetry of Sixteenth-Century Europe
ISBN 9780812240047 , 2007 , Richard Helgerson