Søk: 'English Teaching Strategies: Methods for English Teachers of 10 to ...'
Chinese/English 3 Level Set CD
ISBN 9781591253440 , 2003 , Vocabulearn
A Modern English-Gujarati Dictionary
ISBN 9780195611403 , 1983 , P.G. Deshpande
English Vocabulary in Use Advanced with CD-ROM
ISBN 9781107637764 , 2013 , Michael J. McCarthy
The Longman's Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English
ISBN 9780582237278 , 2002 , Geoffrey Leech, Douglas Biber, Susan Conrad
Words, Meaning and Vocabulary 2nd Edition: An Introduction to Modern English Lexicology
ISBN 9780826490179 , 2007 , 2. utgave , Howard Jackson, Etienne Zé Amvela
Access to English: Social Studies: Vg3 : Samfunnsfaglig Engelsk - Programfag i Studiespesialiserende Utdanningsprogram Vg3
ISBN 9788202249922 , 2008 , John Anthony, Theresa Bowles Sørhus,m.fl.
Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching (Third Edition): Practical, step-by-step guidance for ESL teachers, and thought-provoking questions to stimulate further exploration.
ISBN 9780194423601 , 2011 , Diane Larsen-Freeman, Marti Anderson
English Phonetics and Phonology: An Introduction
ISBN 9780631197768 , 1999 , Philip Carr
Authority in Language: Investigating Standard English
ISBN 9780415174138 , 1999 , James Milroy, Lesley Milroy
A Companion To Medieval English Literature and Culture C.1350 - C.1500
ISBN 9781405195522 , 2009 , Peter Brown
Thirteen strategies to measure college teaching: a consumer's guide to rating scale construction, assessment, and decision making for faculty, administrators, and clinicians
ISBN 9781579221928 , 2006 , Ronald A Berk, Michael Theall
Statistical Methods for Psychology
ISBN 9780495597858 , 2009 , David C. Howell
Alfie's Angels in Gujarati and English
ISBN 9781852699871 , 2002
Junior English Timesavers speaking activities; photocopiable
ISBN 9788203309922 , 2002 , Cheryl Pelteret, Viv Lambert
English Renaissance Drama: A Norton Anthology
ISBN 9780393976557 , 2002 , David M. Bevington, Lars Engle,m.fl.
Focloir Gaeilge-Bearla/Irish-English Dictionary
ISBN 9781857910377 , 2002 , Niall O Donaill, Tomás De Bhaldraithe
Thinking Arabic Translation: A Couse in Translation Method : Arabic to English
ISBN 9780415250658 , 2002 , James Dickins
English Business Letters New Edition
ISBN 9780582553538 , 1979 , F.W. King, D. Anncree, D.A. Cree
Research Methods for Business Students
ISBN 9780273750758 , 2012 , Adrian Thornhill, Mark N. K. Saunders
Asian English Writers of Chinese Origin: Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong
ISBN 9781443813136 , 2009 , Amy Tak-Yee Lai
Communicating Health: Strategies for Health Promotion
ISBN 9781446252338 , 2013 , Nova Corcoran
A Tradition of Subversion: The Prose Poem in English from Wilde to Ashbery
ISBN 9780870237812 , 1992 , Margueritte S. Murphy
A French-English Military Technical Dictionary
ISBN 9781931641173 , 2001 , Cornelis de Witt Willcox
L Dictionary of Contemporary English 4th. Edition Cased + CD-ROM Pack
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Pocket Oxford Spanish Dictionary/Diccionario Oxford Comopact: Spanish-English English-Spanish/Espanol-Ingles Ingles-Espanol
ISBN 9780198610724 , 2005 , Nicholas Rollin, Carol Styles Carvajal,m.fl.
AQA GCSE English Literature: Exploring Modern Texts
ISBN 9781444108828 , 2010 , Martin Walker
Modern English: Its Growth and Present Use
ISBN 9780559387401 , 2008 , George Philip Krapp
Introduction to Probability Methods
ISBN 9780125980623 , 2007 , Sheldon M. Ross
A Parents' and Teachers' Guide to Bilingualism
ISBN 9781847690005 , 2007 , Colin Baker
The Palgrave Guide to English Literature and its Contexts: 1500-2000
ISBN 9780333792179 , 2004 , Peter Widdowson