Søk: 'Evidence-Based Practice for Occupational Therapists'
The Blind Watchmaker: Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe Without Design
ISBN 9780141026169 , 2006 , Richard Dawkins
Appropriation as Practice: Art and Identity in Argentina
ISBN 9781403973146 , 2007 , Arnd Schneider
Managerial Epidemiology: Practice, Methods, and Concepts
ISBN 9780763731656 , 2005
Public Relations: Concepts, Practice and Critique
ISBN 9781412930475 , 2007 , Jacquie L'Etang
Project Management in Practice, 3rd Edition
ISBN 9780470121641 , 2007 , 3. utgave , Jack R. Meredith, Samuel J. Mantel,m.fl.
Clinical Gait Analysis: Theory And Practice
ISBN 9780443100093 , 2005
Clinical Medical Assisting: Foundations and Practice
ISBN 9780130893376 , 2007
Generalist Social Work Practice with Families
ISBN 9780205470105 , 2007 , Stephen J. Yanca, Louise C. Johnson
Health Psychology: Theory, Research and Practice
ISBN 9781412903370 , 2005 , David F. Marks, Carla Willig, Cailine Woodall,m.fl.
The Practice of Market Research: An Introduction
ISBN 9780273717072 , 2008 , Yvonne McGivern
Aligning Modern Business Processes and Legacy Systems: A Component-Based Perspective
ISBN 9780262513463 , 2009
Achieving Cultural Competency: A Case-Based Approach to Training Health Professionals
ISBN 9781405180726 , 2009 , Lisa Hark, Horace DeLisser, Gail Morrison
Psykologi for sosial- og helsefagene
ISBN 9788202334383 , 2010 , Tor-Johan Ekeland, Anbjørg Ohnstad,m.fl.
A Primer for Sampling Solids, Liquids, and Gases: Based on the Seven Sampling Errors of Pierre Gy
ISBN 9780898714739 , 2001 , Patricia L. Smith, Martin Wells
Ageing And Place: Perspectives, Policy, Practice
ISBN 9780415320443 , 2004 , Gavin J. Andrews, David R.. Phillips
Culture in Practice: Selected Essays
ISBN 9780942299373 , 2001 , Marshall Sahlins
Being Ethnographic: A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Ethnography
ISBN 9781412946971 , 2010
Historiedidaktikk: en håndbok for studenter og lærere
ISBN 9788215019123 , 2011 , Erik Lund
Basin modelling: practice and progress
ISBN 9781862390089 , 1998 , J.E. Iliffe, S. J. Duppenbecker
Rom for barnehage: flerfaglige perspektiver på barnehagens fysiske miljø
ISBN 9788245011265 , 2012 , Thomas Moser
Matematikk for ingeniørfag: med digital arbeidsbok
ISBN 9788205432338 , 2013 , Martin Gulbrandsen, Johannes Kleppe,m.fl.
Innføring i barnerett for barnevernspedagoger
ISBN 9788215021607 , 2013 , Ragnhild Collin-Hansen
Randomized Clinical Trials: Design, Practice and Reporting
ISBN 9780471498124 , 2007 , David Machin
International Law and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Rights-based Approach to Middle East Peace
ISBN 9780415573238 , 2010 , Michael Lynk, Susan M. Akram, Iain Scobbie
Vitenskap, kunnskap og praksis: innføring i vitenskapsfilosofi for helse- og sosialfag
ISBN 9788205356092 , 2006 , Magdalene Thomassen
Practice as Research in the Arts: Principles, Protocols, Pedagogies, Resistances
ISBN 9781137282903 , 2013 , Robin Nelson
Compiler construction: principles and practice
ISBN 9780534939724 , 1997 , Kenneth C. Louden
En barnehage for alle: spesialpedagogikk i barnehagelærerutdanningen
ISBN 9788215024011 , 2014 , Palma Sjøvik
Mentoring: A Henley Review of Best Practice
ISBN 9781403935687 , 2004 , Patricia Bossons, Jane Cranwell-Ward
Longman English Grammar Practice
ISBN 9780582045002 , 1990 , L. G. Alexander