Søk: 'Makers of Psychology: The Personal Factor'
Forensic Psychology: Crime, Justice, Law, Interventions
ISBN 9781119991953 , 2012 , Graham M. Davies, Anthony R. Beech
Introduction to psychology
ISBN 9780155002890 , 1993 , Rita L. Atkinson
A Course in Experimental Psychology
ISBN 9780554718828 , 2008 , Edmund Clark Sanford
A Course in Experimental Psychology
ISBN 9780554718866 , 2008 , Edmund Clark Sanford
A Course in Experimental Psychology
ISBN 9780554718798 , 2008 , Edmund Clark Sanford
A Course in Experimental Psychology
ISBN 9780554718774 , 2008 , Edmund Clark Sanford
An Introduction to Social Psychology
ISBN 9781143005619 , 2010 , William McDougall
An Introduction to Social Psychology
ISBN 9781142861742 , 2010 , Charles Abram Ellwood
Educational Psychology: Developing Learners - Modules
ISBN 9780137015856 , 2010 , Pearson Custom Publishing, Jeanne Ellis Ormrod,m.fl.
Psychology 8E Ebook Registration Folder
ISBN 9780393117271 , 2010 , 8. utgave , Henry Gleitman
Concrete Manual: A Manual for the Control of Concrete Construction (a Water Resources Technical Publication Series, Eighth Edition)
ISBN 9781780393469 , 2011 , 8. utgave , Bureau of Reclamation,m.fl.
Clinical psychology in Ireland: empirical studies of professional practice
ISBN 9780773478312 , 2000 , Alan Carr
An introduction to positive psychology
ISBN 9780534644536 , 2005 , William C. Compton
Social Psychology: Goals in Interaction
ISBN 9780205517152 , 2007 , Douglas T. Kenrick, Robert B. Cialdini,m.fl.
Mixing Methods in Psychology: The Integration of Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780415186506 , 2004 , Zazie Todd, Suzanne McKeown, David D. Clarke
Mixing methods in psychology: the integration of qualitative and quantitative methods in theory and practice
ISBN 9780415186490 , 2004 , Zazie Todd, Suzanne McKeown, David D. Clarke
Mixing Methods in Psychology: The Integration of Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780203645727 , 2004 , Zazie Todd, Suzanne McKeown, David D. Clarke,m.fl.
Cognitive psychology and instruction
ISBN 9780130947949 , 2004
Angles on Sport Psychology
ISBN 9780748768134 , 2004 , Matt Jarvis, Craig Roberts, Julia Russell
Choosing a Conservation Vocation Or a Bureaucratic Career: Your Personal Choices and the Environmental Consequences
ISBN 9781412070096 , 2005 , Richard (Dick) Kroger
Introduction to Qualitative Methods in Psychology. Dennis Howitt
ISBN 9780132068741 , 2010 , Dennis Howitt, Duncan Cramer
Teaching Introductory Psychology: Survival Tips from the Experts
ISBN 9781557984173 , 1997
Psychology and Postmodernism
ISBN 9780803986046 , 1992 , Steinar Kvale
Introduction to Psychology
ISBN 9780155436893 , 1990
The Complete Handbook of Coaching
ISBN 9781446276167 , 2014 , Elaine Cox, David A. Clutterbuck
Being Human: A Christian Understanding of Personhood Illustrated with Reference to Power, Money, Sex and Time
ISBN 9780715138663 , 2003 , Doctrine Commission of the Church of England
Sport Psychology: An Introduction
ISBN 9780830415489 , 2001 , Arnold D. LeUnes, Jack R. Nation
Statistical Methods for Psychology
ISBN 9780534389703 , 2001 , David C. Howell
Self-directed behavior: self-modification for personal adjustment
ISBN 9780534092764 , 1989 , Roland G. Tharp, David L. Watson
The End of History and the Last Man
ISBN 9780241960240 , 2012 , Francis Fukuyama