Søk: 'Power Performance: Multimedia Storytelling for Journalism and Public Relations'
Music, performance, meaning: selected essays
ISBN 9780754627180 , 2007 , Nicholas Cook
Devising Performance: A Critical History
ISBN 9781403906632 , 2005 , Jane Milling, Deirdre Heddon
Bringing Religion into International Relations
ISBN 9781403976031 , 2006 , Jonathan Fox, Shmuel Sandler
Small States in International Relations
ISBN 9780295985244 , 2006 , Iver B. Neumann, Christine Ingebritsen,m.fl.
Argument and Audience: Presenting Debates in Public Settings
ISBN 9780972054133 , 2003 , Kenneth T. Broda-Bahm, Daniela Kempf,m.fl.
Benefits Agency: Performance Measurement
ISBN 9780105521365 , 1998 , Great Britain. National Audit Office
Chieftains and Power in the Icelandic Commonwealth
ISBN 9788778380562 , 1999 , Jon Vioar Sigurosson
Altering Nature: Volume II: Religion, Biotechnology, and Public Policy
ISBN 9789048177646 , 2010
Kaplan Grammar Power
ISBN 9780684841571 , 1997 , Jane Schwartz
Feminism and the Power of Law
ISBN 9780415026710 , 1989 , Carol Smart
Essential Midwifery Practice: Public Health
ISBN 9781405144414 , 2007 , Sheena Byrom, Grace Edwards
Inventing Our Selves: Psychology, Power, and Personhood
ISBN 9780521646079 , 1998 , Nikolas Rose, Mitchell G. Ash,m.fl.
Democracy and International Relations: Critical Theories, Problematic Practices
ISBN 9780333682135 , 2000 , Hazel Smith
Democracy and International Relations: Critical Theories, Problematic Practices
ISBN 9780333919965 , 2000 , Hazel Smith
Language and Human Relations: Styles of Address in Contemporary Language
ISBN 9780521182379 , 2011 , Michael Clyne, Catrin Norrby, Jane Warren
Public Sector Accounting
ISBN 9780273614159 , 1996 , Rowan Jones, Maurice W. Pendlebury
Setting the Agenda: The Mass Media and Public Opinion
ISBN 9780745623139 , 2004 , Maxwell McCombs
Blood Relations: Christian and Jew in The Merchant of Venice
ISBN 9780226006819 , 2008 , Janet Adelman
Emerging Issues in Green Criminology: Exploring Power, Justice and Harm
ISBN 9781137273970 , 2013 , Diane Westerhuis, Tanya Wyatt
Conflict and cooperation: evolving theories of international relations
ISBN 9780155015005 , 1996 , Marc A. Genest
Castles And Landscapes: Power, Community And Fortification In Medieval England
ISBN 9781904768678 , 2005 , O. H. Creighton
Human Rights in International Relations
ISBN 9780521684279 , 2006 , David P. Forsythe
Studying Public Policy: Policy Cycles & Policy Subsystems
ISBN 9780195428025 , 2009 , Michael Howlett, M. Ramesh, Anthony Perl
Understanding International Relations, Third Edition
ISBN 9781403946645 , 2005 , 3. utgave , Chris Brown
The Software Optimization Cookbook: High-performance Recipes for IA-32 Platforms
ISBN 9780976483212 , 2005 , Kevin Smith, Aart J. C. Bik, Xinmin Tian
Problem Solving With Data Structures Using Java: A Multimedia Approach
ISBN 9780136060611 , 2010
An Enchanted Modern: Gender and Public Piety in Shi'i Lebanon
ISBN 9781400840786 , 2011 , Lara Deeb
Slavery and Public History: The Tough Stuff of American Memory
ISBN 9780807859162 , 2009
Design of Propulsion and Electric Power Generation Systems
ISBN 9781902536477 , 2002 , Hans Klein Woud, Douwe Stapersma
Images of Power: Balinese Paintings Made for Gregory Bateson and Margaret Mead
ISBN 9780824816797 , 1994 , Hildred Geertz