Søk: 'Server-Side Flash: Scripts, Databases, and Dynamic Development'
iPad Application Development For Dummies
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The Development of Children
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Life Span Motor Development
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Self-theories: Their Role in Motivation, Personality, and Development
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Aid, institutions and development: new approaches to growth, governance and poverty
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Moral Development and Reality: Beyond the Theories of Kohlberg and Hoffman
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Geographies of Development
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The Toyota Way to Lean Leadership: Achieving and Sustaining Excellence Through Leadership Development
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Understanding Motor Development: Infants, Children, Adolescents, Adults
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Development Fieldwork: A Practical Guide
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Community Development: A Critical Approach
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Identity development: adolescence through adulthood
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JavaServer pages: your visual blueprint for designing dynamic content with JSP
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Game Engine Toolset Development
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School Development: Theories & Strategies
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Human development
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