Søk: 'Staring at the light'
Studying the Novel
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Comparative Education: The Dialectic of the Global and the Local
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The Emergence of African Capitalism: The Anstey Memorial Lectures in the University of Kent at Canterbury 10-13 May 1982
ISBN 9780333331576 , 1983 , John Iliffe
John Stuart Mill: the Free Market and the State: Inaugural Lecture of 29th October 1992 at King's College, London
ISBN 9781871952056 , 1993 , Conrad Russell
Det generøse menneske: en naturhistorie om at umak gir make
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Care and Conservation of Manuscripts 5: Proceedings of the Fifth International Seminar Held at the University of Copenhagen 19th-20th April 1999
ISBN 9788770230766 , 2000 , Peter Springborg, Gillian Fellows Jensen
Management of the Child With a Serious Infection Or Severe Malnutrition: Guidelines for Care at the First-referral Level in Developing Countries
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The End of History and the Last Man
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A Confession of Faith, Owned and Consented To, by the Elders and Messengers of the Churches in the Colony of Connecticut, in New-England, Assembled by Delegation at Saybrook, September 9Th, 1708
ISBN 9781141454099 , 2010 , Congregational Churches In Connec Synod
A Collection of Papers Presented by The Fire Safety Engineering Group: At INTERFLAM'2010, University of Nottingham, UK, 5-7 July 2010
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At Least He Shuts Up When He Writes: Poetry: Wise and Otherwise
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A Celebration of Art and Poetry: By Students at HMP High Down
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A Command Post at War: First Army Headquarters in Europe, 1943-1945
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A Collection of Papers Presented by the Fire and Safety Engineering Group at the Interflam' 2001 Conference, Edinburgh, 17-19 September 2001
ISBN 9781899991839 , 2001 , Edwin Galea
Care And Conservation Of Manuscripts 4: Proceedings Of The Fourth International Seminar Held At The University Of Copenhagen 13th-14th October 1997
ISBN 9788770230759 , 1999 , Peter Springborg, Gillian Fellows Jensen
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The Cambridge Companion to British Literature of the French Revolution in the 1790s
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The chronicle history of Henry the Fift: with his battell fought at Agin Court in France togither with auntient Pistoll
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A spiritual audit of corporate America: a hard look at spirituality, religion, and values in the workplace
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Rabbit Angstrom: The Four Novels: Rabbit, Run; Rabbit Redux; Rabbit Is Rich; and Rabbit at Rest
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Mars and Venus in the Workplace CD: A Practical Guide for Improving Communication and Getting Results at Work
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Disguised as a poem: my years teaching poetry at San Quentin
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Care And Conservation Of Manuscripts 2: Proceedings Of The Second International Seminar At The University Of Copenhagen 16th-17th October 1995
ISBN 9788770230735 , 1996 , Peter Springborg, Gillian Fellows Jensen
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A Collection of Papers Presented by the Fire Safety Engineering Group at the 4th International Symposium on Human Behaviour in Fire: Cambridge, UK, 13-15 July 2009
ISBN 9781904521587 , 2009 , Edwin Galea
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Memorial to Charles Lowe: Departed This Earthly Life at Swampscott, Mass. , June 20 1874
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