Søk: 'The Advertising and Consumer Culture Reader'
Human Adaptive Strategies: Ecology, Culture, and Politics
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Knowledge in Context: Knowledge, Community, And Culture
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Leonardo to the Internet: Technology & Culture from the Renaissance to the Present
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Chaplin and American Culture: The Evolution of a Star Image
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The Christian Tradition: Christian Docrine and Modern culture (since 1700)
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Asean's Diplomatic and Security Culture: Origins, Development and Prospects
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In the Beginning Is the Icon: A Liberative Theology of Images, Visual Arts, and Culture
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Globalization: Social Theory and Global Culture
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The Rhetoric of Sensibility in Eighteenth-century Culture
ISBN 9780521103206 , 2009 , Paul Goring
The Shape of the World: A place in the world? Places, culture and globalization
ISBN 9780198741916 , 1995 , James Anderson, John Allen, Chris Brook,m.fl.
The Re-Enchantment of the West, Vol 2: Alternative Spiritualities, Sacralization, Popular Culture and Occulture
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Visual Culture: The Study Of The Visual After The Cultural Turn
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The Encyclopedia of Ancient Myths an Culture
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Culture, Motivation and Learning: A Multicultural Perspective (Hc)
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Globalization: social theory and global culture
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