Søk: 'The Old World and the New: 1492-1650'
Report of the Thirtieth Session, Rome, 2 - 7 July 2007
ISBN 9789251058107 , 2007 , m.fl.
Unstrange Minds: Remapping the World of Autism
ISBN 9780465027644 , 2008 , Roy Richard Grinker
American Painting of the Nineteenth Century : Realism, Idealism, and the American Experience With a New Preface: Realism, Idealism, and the American Experience With a New Preface
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The Enemy of Nature: The End of Capitalism Or the End of the World?, Second Edition
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Cosmos, Chaos, and the World to Come: The Ancient Roots of Apocalyptic Faith
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Democracy in the Developing World: Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East
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Leonardo's Laptop: Human Needs and the New Computing Technologies
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Spaniards and Nazi Germany: collaboration in the new order
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An affordable development?: biotechnology, economics, and the implications for the third world
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Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic: Prima's Official Strategy Guide
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A citizen of the world: the life of James Bryce
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Europe's third world: the European periphery in the interwar years
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From the Labyrinth of the World to the Paradise of the Heart: Science and Humanism in UNESCO's Approach to Globalization
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The French Foreign Office and the Origins of the First World War, 1898-1914
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The Transformative Power Of Performance: A New Aesthetics
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Longitudes and Attitudes: Exploring the World Before and After September 11
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The New York Times: The Complete Front Pages 1851-2008
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Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force
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To Our Friends
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Covering Islam: How the Media and the Experts Determine how We See the Rest of the World
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Politics in the Ancient World
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The concise encyclopedia of world football
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Open World: The Truth about Globalisation
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