Søk: 'William Morris: The Art of Socialism'
Gardner's Art Through the Ages: The Western Perspective, Volume I [With CDROM]
ISBN 9780495004790 , 2006 , Helen Gardner, Christin J. Mamiya,m.fl.
The Political System of the European Union
ISBN 9780230249820 , 2011 , Simon Hix
Concrete Manual: A Manual for the Control of Concrete Construction (a Water Resources Technical Publication Series, Eighth Edition)
ISBN 9781780393469 , 2011 , 8. utgave , Bureau of Reclamation,m.fl.
After Modern Art, 1945-2000
ISBN 9780192842343 , 2000 , David Hopkins
Italian Art, Society, and Politics
ISBN 9788895250021 , 2008 , Gary M. Radke, Barbara Deimling,m.fl.
Art Line Thought
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Women who Run with the Wolves: Contacting the Power of the Wild Woman
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Art and Expressionism: Katie and the Mona Lisa
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The Theory of the Growth of the Firm
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Leonardo: Art and Science
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Twentieth-century American Art
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Biographies and Space: Placing the Subject in Art and Architecture
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Being Human: A Christian Understanding of Personhood Illustrated with Reference to Power, Money, Sex and Time
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Fantastic Reality: Louise Bourgeois And A Story Of Modern Art
ISBN 9780262140898 , 2005 , Mignon Nixon, Louise Bourgeois
Art by Accident
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Art History's History
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Global Shift: Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy
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The Economics of the Environment
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Time Magazine Special Art Edition with Modern Art, Revised and Updated
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Aegean Art and Architecture
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The Norton Anthology of English Literature
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Concepts of Modern Art: From Fauvism to Postmodernism
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Art in Theory 1815-1900: An Anthology of Changing Ideas
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The Elements of Moral Philosophy
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Art and Life in Melanesia
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The Visual Turn: Classical Film Theory and Art History
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Art: A New History
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Impressionist art: 1820-1920
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