Søk: 'American Catholics, American Culture: Tradition and Resistance'
A Democracy of Ghosts: Poetic Patterns of Mexican-American Life
ISBN 9780757541438 , 2007 , Anthony Koenlinger
Blood Of Our Earth: Poetic History Of The American Indian
ISBN 9780826338105 , 2005 , Dan C. Jones
Betrayal and Other Acts of Subversion: Feminism, Sexual Politics, Asian American Women's Literature
ISBN 9780691070933 , 2001
A Bibliography of Nineteenth-century American Piano Music
ISBN 9780313240973 , 1984 , John Gillespie, Anna Gillespie
Watergate in American memory: how we remember, forget, and reconstruct the past
ISBN 9780465090839 , 1993 , Michael Schudson
Contemporary American Independent Film: From the Margins to the Mainstream
ISBN 9780203312964 , 2004 , Chris Holmlund, Justin Wyatt, Christine Holmlund
Contemporary American Independent Film: From The Margins To The Mainstream
ISBN 9780415254878 , 2004 , Chris Holmlund, Justin Wyatt
Cinema of outsiders: the rise of American independent film
ISBN 9780814751237 , 1999
Democratic Culture and the Enlightenment
ISBN 9780415589918 , 2010 , Akeel Bilgrami
Celluloid wars: a guide to film and the American experience of war
ISBN 9780313260995 , 1992 , Frank Joseph Wetta, Stephen J. Curley
Visionary Film: The American Avant-Garde, 1943-1978
ISBN 9780195024869 , 1979
Christmas at the Movies: Images of Christmas in American, British and European Cinema
ISBN 9781860643972 , 2000
A New Anthology of Art Songs by African American Composers
ISBN 9780809325238 , 2004 , Margaret R. Simmons, Jeanine F. Wagner
Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome: Volume 50 (2005)
ISBN 9781879549135 , 2006 , Vernon Hyde Minor
The American Pageant: A History of the Republic: To 1877
ISBN 9780618479283 , 2006 , David M. Kennedy, Lizabeth Cohen, Thomas Bailey
Person-centered Leadership: An American Approach to Participatory Management
ISBN 9780803958197 , 1996 , Steinar Kvale, Jeanne M. Plas
Early American Technology: Making and Doing Things from the Colonial Era to
ISBN 9780807821732 , 1994 , Judith A. McGaw
Rivers of Empire: Water, Aridity, and the Growth of the American West
ISBN 9780195078060 , 1992 , Donald Worster
Black Visions: The Roots of Contemporary African-American Political Ideologies
ISBN 9780226138619 , 2003 , Michael C. Dawson
Hollywood's Indian: The Portrayal of the Native American in Film
ISBN 9780813190778 , 2003
A quest for glory: Major General Robert Howe and the American Revolution
ISBN 9780807819821 , 1991 , Charles E. Bennett, Donald R. Lennon
A Counterintelligence Reader, Volume I: American Revolution to World War II
ISBN 9781780392288 , 2011 , National Counterintelligence Center,m.fl.
A Counterintelligence Reader, Volume I: American Revolution to World War II
ISBN 9781780395357 , 2011 , National Counterintelligence Center,m.fl.
A Counterintelligence Reader, Volume IV: American Revolution Into the New Millenium
ISBN 9781780395388 , 2011 , National Counterintelligence Center,m.fl.
A Counterintelligence Reader, Volume IV: American Revolution Into the New Millenium
ISBN 9781780392318 , 2011 , National Counterintelligence Center,m.fl.
A Catholic Cold War: Edmund A. Walsh, S.j., And The Politics Of American Anticommunism
ISBN 9780823224593 , 2005 , Patrick H. McNamara
American Exceptionalism in the Age of Globalization: The Specter of Vietnam
ISBN 9780791472897 , 2008
Eighteenth-century Literature and Culture
ISBN 9780826485649 , 2008 , Paul Goring
ISBN 9780500341438 , 1995 , Michael Freeman, GARY A. ROSENBERG
The Literature of the American South: Ëœao Norton Anthology
ISBN 9780393316711 , 1997 , Trudier Harris, William Leake Andrews,m.fl.