Søk: 'Carl Schmitt and Authorian Liberalism: Strong State, Free Economy'
Bringing the Food Economy Home: Local Alternatives to Global Agribusiness
ISBN 9781842772331 , 2002 , Helena Norberg-Hodge, Todd Merrifield,m.fl.
Creative Destruction: Business Survival Strategies in the Global Internet Economy
ISBN 9780262632560 , 2002
A Brief Guide to European State Aid Law
ISBN 9789041109392 , 1997 , Carl Baudenbacher
The Regional World: Territorial Development in a Global Economy
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Gas and Oil Engines, and Gas-Producers: A Treatise on the Modern Development of the Internal Combustion Motor and Efficient Methods of Fuel Economy An
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An Asian Century Manifesto: Global Political Economy of the 21st Century
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Multicultural Citizenship Or Citizenship in a Multicultural Polity: The Liberal State and Cultural Diversity: Defending Benign Neglect
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The Glass State: The Technology of the Spectacle, Paris, 1981-1998
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Facebuilding: The Daily 5-minute Program for a Beautiful, Wrinkle-free Face
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Agriculture Industry Linkages in the Economy of Uttar Pradesh
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South African Economy: Macroeconomic Prospects for the Medium Term
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C.G. Jung: livsreisen : menneskets indre reise mot åndelig vekst og forvandling : om Carl Gustav Jungs liv og tenkning
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Dog fred er ej det bedste: festskrift til Carl August Fleischer på hans 70-årsdag 26. august 2006
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The Legend of King Asoka: A Study and Translation of the Asokavadana
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Mitt liv med Mozart
ISBN 9788279002277 , 2005 , Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt
The Global Food Economy: The Battle for the Future of Farming
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Civil Society in Yemen: The Political Economy of Activism in Modern Arabia
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A Simple Luhmann Economy: Market Mechanisms that lead to the Emergence of the Economy as proposed by Niklas Luhmann are explored by Agent based Modelling
ISBN 9783836495653 , 2008 , Anselm Fleischmann
Abstract State Machines, B and Z: First International Conference, ABZ 2008, London, UK, September 16-18, 2008. Proceedings
ISBN 9783540876021 , 2008 , Egon Borger, Michael Butler, Jonathan P. Bowen,m.fl.
The state of welfare: the economics of social spending
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Case Study Research: Design and Methods
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Society Against the State: Essays in Political Anthropology
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The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the World
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Performance Measurement Explained: Designing and Implementing Your State-Of-The-Art System / Bjrn Andersen, Tom Fagerhaug
ISBN 9780873895200 , 2002 , Bjørn Andersen, Tom Fagerhaug
Oskar og den rosa damen
ISBN 9788279001812 , 2004 , Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt
Multi Pack Microbiology: An Introduction with The World of the Cell with Free Solutions
ISBN 9780582842472 , 2003 , Tortora, Becker
Asia-Pacific Economic Co-Operation: Critical Perspectives on the World Economy
ISBN 9780415310987 , 2006 , Peter Drysdale, Takashi Terada
Fysiske størrelser og enheter: navn og symboler
ISBN 9788215013985 , 2009 , Carl Angell, Bjørn Ebbe Lian
A New System of Practical Domestic Economy: Founded on Modern Discoveries, and the Private Communications of Persons of Experience
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The Political Economy of Stalinism: Evidence from the Soviet Secret Archives
ISBN 9780521533676 , 2003 , Paul R. Gregory