Søk: 'Comparative method:moving beyond qualitative & quantitative strategies'
Managing Complex Networks: Strategies for the Public Sector
ISBN 9780761955481 , 1997 , R. A. W. Rhodes, Walter J. M. Kickert,m.fl.
Approaches to Qualitative Research: A Reader on Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780195157758 , 2003 , Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber, Patricia Lina Leavy
A Candle for Lucifer: An Evil Vicar Beyond Redemption?
ISBN 9781420871388 , 2005 , Andrew De Berry
Beyond Communities of Practice: Language Power and Social Context
ISBN 9780521544924 , 2005
Beyond Technology: Children's Learning in the Age of Digital Culture
ISBN 9780745638812 , 2007 , David Buckingham
Ethnography on an Awkward Scale: On Qualitative Method in the Social Sciences
ISBN 9781594514661 , 2012 , Jean Comaroff
The Four Steps to the Epiphany: Successful Strategies for Startups That Win
ISBN 9780976470700 , 2007 , Steven Gary Blank
Nordic Voices: Teaching and Researching Comparative and International Education in the Nordic Countries
ISBN 9789087909710 , 2010 , Halla B. Holmarsdottir, Mina O'Dowd
Doing Business With Japan: Successful Strategies for Intercultural Communication
ISBN 9780824821272 , 1999 , Kazuo Nishiyama
Asperger Syndrome, Adolescence, and Identity: Looking Beyond the Label
ISBN 9781843101260 , 2004 , Harvey Molloy, Latika Vasil
Women, Democracy, and Globalization in North America: A Comparative Study
ISBN 9781403970886 , 2006
A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book about Qualitative Research
ISBN 9781412945967 , 2007 , David Silverman
Parameters and Functional Heads: Essays in Comparative Syntax
ISBN 9780195087932 , 1996 , Adriana Belletti, Luigi Rizzi
Bankruptcy Law Client Strategies in South America: Leading Lawyers on Navigating the South American Bankruptcy Process, Working With Local Governments, and Developing Successful Strategies
ISBN 9780314274847 , 2011 , Julio Cesar Rivera,m.fl.
Studyguide for Interaction Design: Beyond Human Computer Interaction by Sharp, Helen
ISBN 9781478477723 , 2013 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Video Analysis: Methodology and Methods : Qualitative Audiovisual Data Analysis in Sociology
ISBN 9783631592397 , 2009 , Bernt Schnettler
Basics of Qualitative Research: Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques
ISBN 9780803932517 , 1990 , Juliet M. Corbin, Anselm Strauss
Advanced Strategies in Control Systems with Input and Output Constraints
ISBN 9783540370093 , 2006 , Sophie Tarbouriech, Germain Garcia,m.fl.
The Feminist Teacher Anthology: Pedagogies and Classroom Strategies
ISBN 9780807737415 , 1998 , Gail Cohee, Elisabeth Daumer, Theresa Kemp,m.fl.
Foundations of Indo-European Comparative Linguistics, 1800-50
ISBN 9780415204255 , 1999 , Roy Harris
Reader in comparative religión: an anthropological approach
ISBN 9780060439910 , 1995 , Evon Zartman Vogt, William Armand Lessa
Caught Between Borders: Response Strategies of the Internally Displaced
ISBN 9780745318189 , 2001 , Marc Vincent, Birgitte Refslund Sørensen
Caught between borders: response strategies of the internally displaced
ISBN 9780745318196 , 2001 , Marc Vincent, Birgitte Refslund Sorensen
Mastering Virtual Teams: Strategies, Tools, and Techniques That Succeed
ISBN 9780787955892 , 2001
Reading texts: an introduction to strategies of interpretation
ISBN 9788200226963 , 1995 , Eleanor Wikborg, Danuta Zadworna-Fjellestad
Designing and Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies, and Case Studies
ISBN 9780071287142 , 2007 , David Simchi-Levi, Edith Simchi-Levi
Lightning Strategies for Innovation: How the World's Best Firms Create New Products
ISBN 9780684863979 , 2010 , William I Zangwill
Managerial discretion in government decision making: beyond the street level
ISBN 9780763746568 , 2007 , Jacqueline. Vaughn
Beating the Global Consolidation Endgame: Nine Strategies for Winning in Niches
ISBN 9780071590761 , 2008
A Coach's Guide to Emotional Intelligence: Strategies for Developing Successful Leaders
ISBN 9780787997359 , 2008 , James Bradford Terrell, Marcia M. Hughes