Søk: 'Contemporary Chinese'
Not Just Black and White: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Immigration, Race, and Ethnicity in the United States
ISBN 9780871542595 , 2004 , Nancy Foner, George M. Fredrickson
Administrative Reform in China and Its Impact on the Policy-making Process and Economic Development After Mao: Reinventing Chinese Government
ISBN 9780773476141 , 2001 , Meiru Liu
Fifty Years On--: A Brief History of the First 50 Years of the Norfolk Contemporary Art Society, 1956-2006
ISBN 9780955249808 , 2006 , Robert Short
Mao's Road to Power: Revolutionary Writings, 1912-1949. The rise and fall of the Chinese Soviet Republic, 1931-34
ISBN 9781563248917 , 1997 , Stuart Reynolds Schram
The Bábà and Bahá'à religions 1844-1944: some contemporary western accounts
ISBN 9780853981022 , 1981 , Moojan Momen
Contemporary Italian Filmmaking: Strategies of Subversion ; Pirandello, Fellini, Scola, and the Directors of the New Generation
ISBN 9780802069795 , 1995 , Manuela Gieri
Contemporary Italian Filmmaking: Strategies of Subversion ; Pirandello, Fellini, Scola, and the Directors of the New Generation
ISBN 9780802005564 , 1995 , Manuela Gieri
Scatology & the Gate of Life: The Role of the Large Intestine in Immunity, an Integrated Chinese-Western Approach
ISBN 9780936185200 , 1990 , Bob Flaws
MOCA Focus: Alexandra Grant
ISBN 9781933751016 , 2007 , Hélène Cixous, Alexandra Grant, Alma Ruiz,m.fl.
Peacekeeping: Terra Incognita : Here be Dragons : Peacekeeping and Conflict Resolution in Contemporary Conflict : Some Relationships Considered
ISBN 9781859230541 , 1996 , Tom Woodhouse, Oliver Ramsbotham
Barnaby Furnas
ISBN 9781903655245 , 2006 , Martin Herbert, Barnaby Furnas, Shamim Momin,m.fl.
Zang Fu: The Organ Systems of Traditional Chinese Medicine : Functions, Interrelationships, and Patterns of Disharmony in Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780443034824 , 1986
European economic integration as a challenge to industry and government: contemporary and historical perspectives on international economic dynamics
ISBN 9783540604310 , 1996 , Richard H. Tilly, Paul J. J. Welfens
A Syllabic Dictionary of the Chinese Language; Arranged According to the Wu-Fang Yuen Yin, with the Pronunciation as Heard in Peking, Canton, Amoy, an
ISBN 9781862100213 , 2001 , Samuel Wells Williams, Christopher M. Hutton,m.fl.
The Secret Sharer: Complete, Authoritative Text with Biographical and Historical Contexts, Critical History, and Essays from Five Contemporary Critical Perspectives
ISBN 9780333690925 , 1998 , Joseph Conrad, Daniel R. Schwarz
A Companion to James Joyce's Ulysses: Biographical and Historical Contexts, Critical History, and Essays from Five Contemporary Critical Perspectives
ISBN 9780333753309 , 1998 , Margot Norris
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Contemporary Problems in Mathmatical Physics: Cotonou, Republic of Benin, 31 0Ct0Ber - 5 November 1999
ISBN 9789810242978 , 2000 , Jan Govaerts, M. Norbert Hounkonnou,m.fl.
Gulliver's Travels: Complete, Authoritative Text with Biographical and Historical Contexts, Critical History, and Essays from Five Contemporary Critical Perspectives
ISBN 9780333634387 , 1995 , Jonathan Swift, Christopher Fox
The Dead: Complete, Authoritative Text with Biographical and Historical Contexts, Critical History, and Essays from Five Contemporary Critical Perspectives
ISBN 9780333618493 , 1994 , James Joyce, Daniel R. Schwarz
An identity dilemma: a comparative study of primary education for ethnic Chinese in the context of national identity and nation-building in Malaysia and Singapore
ISBN 9788200129509 , 1998 , Ingrid Glad
Advances in Contemporary Logic and Computer Science: Proceedings of the Eleventh Brazilian Conference on Mathematical Logic, May 6-10, 1996, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
ISBN 9780821813645 , 1999 , Walter Walter Alexandre Carnielli,m.fl.
The astrology of personality: a re-formulation of astrological concepts and ideals, in terms of contemporary psychology and philosophy
ISBN 9780943358253 , 1987 , Dane Rudhyar
Morten Andersen: days of night ; [publ. in conjunction with the exhibition: "Flyktige Fortellinger" Museet for samtidskunst/"Fugitive Stories" The National Museum of Contemporary Art, Norway, 05.06. - 28.09.2003]
ISBN 9788291727165 , 2003 , 1. utgave
Human Rights and Chinese Thought: Introduction; 2. Languages, concepts, and pluralism; 3. The consequences of pluralism; 4. The shift toward legitimate desires in neo-Confucianism; 5. Nineteenth century origins; 6. Dynamism in the early twentieth centu...
ISBN 9780521007528 , 2002 , Stephen C. Angle
Johanna Billing: look behind us, a blue sky : [Ausstellung, "Forever changes", Kunstmuseum Basel, Museum fur Gegenwartskunst, Basel, Part 1: 8 September-28 October 2007, Part 2: 30 October-30 December 2007]; "Keep on doing", Dundee Contemporary Arts, D...
ISBN 9783775720700 , 2007 , Karl Holmqvist, Polly Staple, Philipp Kaisser,m.fl.
Trends in Science and Technology Relevant to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention: Summary of an International Workshop: October 31 to November 3, 2010, Beijing, China
ISBN 9780309209298 , 2011 , National Research Council,m.fl.