Søk: 'English Teaching Strategies: Methods for English Teachers of 10 to ...'
Visible Learning for Teachers: Maximizing Impact on Learning
ISBN 9780415690157 , 2011 , John Hattie
A Course in Remedial English Grammar
ISBN 9788185865355 , 2000 , L. Joshi
English for Business Studies Teacher's Book: A Course for Business Studies and Economics Students
ISBN 9780521743426 , 2010 , Ian Mackenzie
How to Improve Basic Skills AQA GCSE English Active Teach BBC Pack
ISBN 9780435033132 , 2010 , Peter Buckroyd, Esther Menon
A Dictionary of Urdu Classical Hindi and English Part 2
ISBN 9780766192317 , 2004 , John T. Platts
Crossover: Practical and Technical English : a Multipurpose Reader
ISBN 9788256266074 , 2006 , Marianne Roald Ytterdal
A Companion to Medieval English Literature and Culture C.1350-C.1500
ISBN 9780631219736 , 2007 , Peter Brown
A Common Thread: Labor, Politics, And Capital Mobility in the Textile Industry
ISBN 9780820326283 , 2006 , Beth Anne English
A Comprehensive English-Hindi Dictionary: Supplementary Volume
ISBN 9788177420869 , 2009 , Raghu Vira
C. The New Cambridge English Course
ISBN 9780521664912 , 1999 , Michael Swan, Catherine Walter
Lærerarbeid for elevenes læring 5-10
ISBN 9788276348859 , 2011 , Peder Haug, May Britt Postholm, Elaine Munthe,m.fl.
English Matters 14-16 Teacher's File
ISBN 9780435105327 , 1996 , Susan Duberley
English Matters 14-16 Student Book
ISBN 9780435105303 , 1996 , Susan Duberley
Challenging Ways of Knowing: In English, Mathematics and Science
ISBN 9780750705257 , 1996 , Dave Baker, John Clay, Carol Fox
Challenging Ways Of Knowing: In English, Mathematics And Science
ISBN 9780750705240 , 1996 , Dave Baker, John Clay, Carol Fox
Inventing International Society: A History of the English School
ISBN 9780333737873 , 1998 , Tim Dunne, Eugene Rogan
A Standard English-Swahili Dictionary: Founded on Madan?s English-Swahili Dictionary
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Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture Paper 3rd Edition
ISBN 9780582853126 , 2005 , 3. utgave , Della Summers
The Essentials of English: A Writer's Handbook With Apa Style
ISBN 9780131500907 , 2003 , Ann Hogue
Writing academic English: a guide for Norwegians in the preparation of articles and theses
ISBN 9788251921237 , 2007 , John G. Taylor
Statistical Methods for Psychology. David Howell
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Intercultural Communication in English: Business Cultures and ...
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Lost in Translation - Difficulties in Translating English Humour
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Weak forms in present-day English
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Introduction to Qualitative Methods in Psychology
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A Franchise of One: Strategies for Pharmaceutical Sales
ISBN 9781425777500 , 2007 , M.D. Neil Berliner
Economics, Law and Intellectual Property: Seeking Strategies for Research and Teaching in a Developing Field
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Assessment English Tests and Tasks Year 3
ISBN 9781846803826 , 2008
Business English: Writing in the Global Workplace
ISBN 9780073545424 , 2008 , Dona Young
Business English Language Practice: Grammar and Vocabulary
ISBN 9781905085293 , 2008 , Susan Lowe, Louise Pile