Søk: 'Essentials of Comparative Politics'
The globalization of world politics: an introduction to international relations
ISBN 9780198782636 , 2001 , Steve Smith
Contemporary political ideologies: a comparative analysis
ISBN 9780534506940 , 1995 , Lyman Tower Sargent
Aristotle: The Politics and the Constitution of Athens
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Valuepack:Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology with Essentials of InterActive Physiology CD-Rom with MyA&P:Essentials Student Access Card Kit for Essentials of Human Anatomy Physiology and PhysioEx 6.0 Physiology
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Do Our Citizenship Requirements Impede the Protection of Political Asylum Seekers?: A Comparative Analysis of European Practices
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The Executive Branch Of State Government: People, Process, And Politics
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An Introduction to the Law of International Criminal Tribunals: A Comparative Study
ISBN 9781571053107 , 2003 , Geert-Jan A. Knoops
Developments in European Politics
ISBN 9780230000414 , 2006 , Martin Rhodes, Paul M. Heywood, Erik Jones,m.fl.
Developments in European Politics
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Electronic Voting and Democracy: A Comparative Analysis
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Banking Sector Liberalization in India: Evaluation of Reforms and Comparative Perspectives on China
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Politics and Persuasion: Media Coverage of Zimbabwe's 2000 Election
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The Financing of Politics: European and Latin American Perspectives
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Essentials of Environmental Toxicology: The Effects of Environmentally Hazardous Substances on Human Health
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The Birth of the Museum: History, Theory, Politics
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The Birth of the Museum: History, Theory, Politics
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Conceptualizing, Describing and Contrasting School Cultures: A Comparative Case Study of School Improvement Processes
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The Primacy of Politics: Social Democracy and the Making of Europe's Twentieth Century
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Hamas in Politics: Democracy, Religion, Violence
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Humanitarianism in Question: Politics, Power, Ethics
ISBN 9780801473012 , 2008
Comparative Textual Media: Transforming the Humanities in the Postprint Era
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Nationalism and the Politics of Culture in Quebec
ISBN 9780299115142 , 1988 , Richard Handler
American Politics and Society
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Politics and Economics in the History of the European Union
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Politics and Economics in the History of the European Union
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Politics in the European Union
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Abraham's Divided Children: Galatians and the Politics of Faith
ISBN 9781563383595 , 2001 , Pheme Perkins
Myths of empire: domestic politics and international ambition
ISBN 9780801497643 , 1993 , Jack L. Snyder
Essentials of Research Methods in Health, Physical Education, Exercise Science, and Recreation, 3e
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Studyguide for Essentials of Services Marketing by Christopher H. Lovelock, ISBN 9789810679958: 9789810679958
ISBN 9781428846463 , 2009 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews