Søk: 'Essentials of mass communication theory'
The rhetoric of fictionality: narrative theory and the idea of fiction
ISBN 9780814210697 , 2007 , Richard Walsh
Rhetorical Argumentation: Principles of Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781412904001 , 2004 , Christopher William Tindale
A Theory of Case-Based Decisions
ISBN 9780521802345 , 2001 , Itzhak Gilboa, David Schmeidler
Classics of Moral and Political Theory
ISBN 9780872205789 , 2001
Organization Theory and Design
ISBN 9781408072370 , 2014 , Richard L. Daft, Jonathan Murphy
The Classical Theory of Fields
ISBN 9780750627689 , 1987 , L. D. Landau, Morton Hamermesh
Management of Stuttering in Adolescence: A Communication Skills Approach
ISBN 9781897635605 , 1995 , Lena Rustin, Francis Cook
ISBN 9780077108625 , 2004 , George Ritzer
Studyguide for Essentials of Geology by Lutgens & Tarbuck, ISBN 9780130081575: 0130081574
ISBN 9781428830967 , 2007 , all material written by Cram101.,m.fl.
Studyguide for Essentials of International Relations by Mingst, ISBN 9780393977226: 0393977226
ISBN 9781428824003 , 2007 , all material written by Cram101.,m.fl.
Studyguide for Essentials of International Relations by Mingst, ISBN 9780393924480: 0393924483
ISBN 9781428825123 , 2007 , all material written by Cram101.,m.fl.
Wiley Plus/Web CT Stand-Alone to Accompany Essentials of Physics
ISBN 9780470078587 , 2007 , Kenneth W. Johnson
Electronics & Communication Engineering Journal
ISBN 9780852968079 , 1994 , Institution of Electrical Engineers,m.fl.
Augmentative and Alternative Communication
ISBN 9781897635599 , 1996 , Stephen von Tetzchner, Mogens Hygum Jensen
Multicultural Citizenship : A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights
ISBN 9780191520976 , 1995 , Will Kymlicka
Issues in political theory
ISBN 9780199217007 , 2008
Communication Sciences Student Survival Guide
ISBN 9781401882563 , 2005 , Marie A. Patton
Industrial Organization: Contemporary Theory and Empirical Applications
ISBN 9781118250303 , 2012 , Lynne Pepall, George Norman
Being Ethnographic: A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Ethnography
ISBN 9781412946971 , 2010
A First Book of Quantum Field Theory
ISBN 9781842652497 , 2005 , Amitabha Lahiri, Palash B. Pal
A Handbook of Theory for Social Care
ISBN 9781903575437 , 2007 , Iain Maclean, Siobhan Maclean,m.fl.
Aspects of the Theory of Syntax
ISBN 9780262530071 , 1965 , Noam Chomsky
Direct Theory
ISBN 9780809319206 , 2005 , Edward S. Small
Corporate Communication: A Strategic Approach to Building Reputation
ISBN 9788213029551 , 2011 , Peggy Simcic Brønn, Roberta Wiig Berg
The Theory of Vibration with Applications
ISBN 9780748743803 , 1996 , Baron William Thomson Kelvin, Willia Thomson
Ethical theory: The questions of objectivity
ISBN 9780198751922 , 1998 , James Rachels
The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism
ISBN 9780393974294 , 2001 , Vincent B. Leitch
Intercultural Communication: A Discourse Approach
ISBN 9780631224181 , 2001 , Ron Scollor, Suzanne Wong Scollon,m.fl.
Cultural Studies and Communication
ISBN 9780340614174 , 1995 , David Morley, Valerie Walkerdine, James Curran
Setting the Agenda: The Mass Media and Public Opinion
ISBN 9780745623139 , 2004 , Maxwell McCombs