Access to international English: programfaget Internasjonal Engelsk
ISBN 9788202359553 , 2012 , John Anthony, Robert Mikkelsen, Richard Burgess
Basic Japanese-English Dictionary
ISBN 9780198608592 , 2004 , Oxford University Press
English Literature: A Very Short Introduction
ISBN 9780199569267 , 2010
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 6
ISBN 9781447954095 , 2014
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 6 Paper
ISBN 9781447954194 , 2014 , Pearson Education, Limited, Michael Mayor
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
ISBN 9781408202975 , 2009 , Michael Mayor
Key to the Exercises in the New Method of Learning to Read, Write, and Speak a Language in Six Months: Adapted to the German... . Added, Notes Referri
ISBN 9781141701582 , 2010 , Heinrich Gottfried Ollendorff
Communicating English 2; meetings, presentations and socialising
ISBN 9788250820654 , 1999
Communicating English 2; meetings, presentations and socialising
ISBN 9788250820647 , 1999
Communicating English 2; meetings, presentations and socialising
ISBN 9788250820067 , 1999
Understanding and Using English Grammar: International Version
ISBN 9780131930216 , 1999 , Betty Schrampfer Azar
Alexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-Greek
ISBN 9789608534704 , 1997
English-Greek, Greek-English Dictionary with Pronunciation
ISBN 9789607012487 , 1997 , Michael Sideri
English-Greek, Greek-English Dictionary with Pronunciation
ISBN 9789607012500 , 1997 , Michael Sideri
Einmal 1; Text- und Arbeitsbuch
ISBN 9788202163624 , 1997 , Brita Semundseth, Hannelore Selbekk, Per Ramberg
Einmal 1; Text- und arbeitsbuch
ISBN 9788202163990 , 1997 , Brita Semundseth, Hannelore Selbekk, Per Ramberg
Money, Morals, and Manners: The Culture of the French and the American Upper-Middle Class
ISBN 9780226468174 , 1994 , Michèle Lamont
The English Heroic Play
ISBN 9780554673554 , 2008 , Lewis Nathaniel Chase
The English Heroic Play
ISBN 9780554673486 , 2008 , Lewis Nathaniel Chase
The English Heroic Play
ISBN 9780554673462 , 2008 , Lewis Nathaniel Chase
The English Heroic Play
ISBN 9780554673523 , 2008 , Lewis Nathaniel Chase
Middlemarch: An Authoritative Text, Backgrounds, Criticism
ISBN 9780393974522 , 2000 , George Eliot
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: An Authoritative Text, Contexts and Sources, Criticism
ISBN 9780393966404 , 1999 , Thomas Cooley, Twain Mark
Transcribing the Sound of English: A Phonetics Workbook for Words and Discourse
ISBN 9780521166058 , 2011 , Paul Tench
Universal Human Rights in Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780801477706 , 2013 , Jack Donnelly
An Introduction to English Morphology: Words and Their Structure
ISBN 9780748613380 , 2002 , Laurie Bauer
English nursery rhymes
ISBN 9788249202829 , 2003 , Margareta Stehr
The English Roses
ISBN 9780141380476 , 2003 , Madonna
Access English CDROM
ISBN 9780435225988 , 2003
English Pronouncing Dictionary
ISBN 9780521017121 , 2003 , Daniel Jones