Søk: 'Machine Learning in Document Analysis and Recognition'
Learning through theatre: new perspectives on Theatre in Education
ISBN 9780415086103 , 1993 , Tony Jackson, Anthony Jackson
Introductory Circuit Analysis
ISBN 9780137146666 , 2010 , Robert L. Boylestad
Organic Spectroscopic Analysis
ISBN 9780854044764 , 2004 , A. G. Davies, David Phillips, J. Derek Woollins,m.fl.
The empire God built: inside Pat Robertson's media machine
ISBN 9780471159933 , 1996 , Alec Foege
Experiments in Ecology: Their Logical Design and Interpretation Using Analysis of Variance
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A Posteriori Error Estimation in Finite Element Analysis
ISBN 9780471294115 , 2000 , Mark Ainsworth, J. Tinsley Oden
Risk Analysis: Assessing Uncertainties Beyond Expected Values and Probabilities
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Digital Image Sequence Processing, Compression, and Analysis
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An Introduction to Efficiency and Productivity Analysis
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Applying UML and patterns: an introduction to object-oriented analysis and design and iterative development
ISBN 9780131489066 , 2004 , Craig Larman
The Essential Groupworker: Teaching and Learning Creative Groupwork
ISBN 9781853028236 , 1999 , Mark Doel, Catherine Sawdon
Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits
ISBN 9780072283655 , 2003 , David A. Hodges, Horace G. Jackson,m.fl.
Contemporary Strategy Analysis Text and Cases 7e and WileyPLUS Card
ISBN 9780470972212 , 2010 , 7. utgave , Robert M. Grant
Assessing Numeracy and Other Mathematical Skills in Psychology Students as a Basis for Learning Statistics
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Programming 16-bit PIC Microcontrollers in C: Learning to Fly the PIC 24
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Business analysis and valuation:ifrs edition text and cases - using financi
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Audience Analysis
ISBN 9780761910022 , 1997 , Denis McQuail
A Carrot a Day: A Daily Dose of Recognition for Your Employees
ISBN 9780470821787 , 2005 , Chester Elton, Adrian Robert Gostick
Media talk: conversation analysis and the study of broadcasting
ISBN 9780335209958 , 2006 , Ian Hutchby
Man, the State and War: A Theoretical Analysis
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Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis
ISBN 9780273713241 , 2008 , Peter J. Hammond, Knut Sydsæter
Modern Genetic Analysis: Integrating Genes and Genomes
ISBN 9780716743828 , 2002 , Anthony J.F. Griffiths, Richard C. Lewontin,m.fl.
Exploring Corporate Strategy with Exploring Techniques of Analysis and Evaluation in Strategic Management
ISBN 9780582822030 , 2003 , Johnson & Scholes, Ambrosini
Real Analysis: Measure Theory, Integration, and Hilbert Spaces
ISBN 9780691113869 , 2005 , Elias M. Stein, Rami Shakarchi
Curriculum webs: weaving the Web into teaching and learning
ISBN 9780205459407 , 2005 , Craig A. Cunningham, Marty Billingsley
Categorical Data Analysis for the Behavioral and Social Sciences
ISBN 9781848728363 , 2011 , Razia Azen, Cindy M. Walker
A Quantitative Aeromicrobial Analysis of On-Campus Housing and Comparison of Microorganisms Found in Old and New Dormitories.
ISBN 9781243392244 , 2011 , Kevin Michael Bessey
Analisis sintactico/ Syntactic Analysis
ISBN 9788467515480 , 2007 , Leonardo Gómez Torrego, Ignacio Bosque
Beginning Radio and TV Newswriting: A Self-Instructional Learning Experience
ISBN 9781405160421 , 2009
Experimental Design and the Analysis of Variance
ISBN 9780803990067 , 1997 , Robert K. Leik