Søk: 'Principles of Form and Design'
Objects of desire: design and society since 1970
ISBN 9780500274125 , 1986 , Adrian Forty
The fundamentals of creative design / Gavin Ambrose and Paul Harris
ISBN 9782940373475 , 2003 , Gavin Ambrose, Paul Harris
The Rule of the Clan: What an Ancient Form of Social Organization Reveals About the Future of Individual Freedom
ISBN 9781250043627 , 2014 , Mark S. Weiner
Principles of Electric Circuits: Electron Flow Version
ISBN 9780135073087 , 2009 , Thomas L. Floyd
Principles of electric circuits: conventional current version
ISBN 9780135073094 , 2009 , Thomas L. Floyd
Mastergradshåndboken: sammenhenger mellom form, innhold, vurdering
ISBN 9788248800323 , 2009 , Else Askerøi
Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design
ISBN 9780471667827 , 2005 , Constantine A. Balanis
Object-oriented Design and Patterns
ISBN 9780471744870 , 2005
Urban Design: Street and Square
ISBN 9780750657174 , 2003 , Cliff Moughtin
Network Analysis, Architecture and Design
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Business, Marketing, and Management Principles for IT and Engineering
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Business, Marketing, and Management Principles for IT and Engineering
ISBN 9781439848067 , 2011 , Dimitris N. Chorafas
Design of Reinforced Concrete, 8th Edition
ISBN 9780470279274 , 2009 , 8. utgave , Jack C. McCormac, Russell H. Brown
Ecological Economics, Second Edition: Principles and Applications
ISBN 9781597266819 , 2010 , 2. utgave , Joshua Farley
Chemical Process and Design Handbook
ISBN 9780071374330 , 2002 , James Speight
Cancer Epidemiology: Principles and Methods
ISBN 9789283204053 , 1999 , Isabel dos Santos Silva
NMR Logging Principles and Applications
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Macroeconomics: Principles, Problems, and Policies
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Psychological Testing: Principles and Applications
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Nursing Research: Principles and Procedures
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Advanced Power System Analysis and Design
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Principles of Contracting for Project Management
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Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface
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The Absolute, Ultimate Guide to Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry
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Distributed systems: concepts and design
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Algorithm Design
ISBN 9780321295354 , 2005
Compiler construction: principles and practice
ISBN 9780534939724 , 1997 , Kenneth C. Louden
Story: Substance, Structure, Style and the Principles of Screenwriting
ISBN 9780413715500 , 1998 , Robert McKee
Isotopes: Principles and Applications, 3rd Edition
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Corporate Governance: Principles, Policies and Practices
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