Søk: 'Quality of Future Internet Services: COST Action 263 Final Report'
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Putting Knowledge Networks Into Action: Methodology, Development, Maintenance
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Open Services Innovation: Rethinking Your Business to Grow and Compete in a New Era
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European Forest Sector Outlook Study 1960-2000-2020: Main Report
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Medical Services: Casualties and Medical Statistics of the Great War
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Gift of Fire: Social,Legal and Ethical Issues for Computers and the Internet
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A Gift of Fire: Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues for Computing and the Internet
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Internet Protect Your Kids: Keep Your Children Safe from the Dark Side of Technology
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Energy Systems and Sustainability: Power for a Sustainable Future
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Air Traffic Control: Past, Present and Future
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Ajax: Your visual blueprintTM for creating rich Internet applications
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Wie Algorithm Design: Foundations, Analysis and Internet Examples
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The clash within: democracy, religious violence, and India's future
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A disease-based comparison of health systems [electronic resource]: what is best and at what cost?.
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A Future for Small States: Overcoming Vulnerability
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Value Pack: Internet and the World Wide Web
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Action!: Interviews With Directors from Classical Hollywood to Contemporary Iran
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Information Quality Assurance and Internal Control for Management Decision Making
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Advancing Health Literacy: A Framework for Understanding and Action
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