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Bilingualism: A Social Approach
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Beyond Communities of Practice: Language Power and Social Context
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A Political and Social History of Modern Europe, V1
ISBN 9781435347090 , 2007 , J. H. Carlton Hayes
One of the forgotten things: Getúlio Vargas and Brazilian social control, 1930-1954
ISBN 9780313313585 , 2000 , R. S. Rose
Social Psychology: Unraveling the Mystery With Study Card
ISBN 9780205460717 , 2004 , Douglas T. Kenrick, Robert B. Cialdini,m.fl.
New Women of Spain: Social-political and Philosophical Studies of Feminist Thought
ISBN 9783825861995 , 2005 , Elisabeth de Sotelo
Religion, Realism and Social Theory: Making Sense of Society
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Economics of the Welfare State
ISBN 9780199297818 , 2012 , Nicholas Barr
Christianity, Social Change, and Globalization in the Americas
ISBN 9780813529325 , 2001 , Anna Lisa Peterson
Citizens to Lords: A Social History of Western Political Thought from Antiquity to the Late Middle Ages
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The Social Contract from Hobbes to Rawls
ISBN 9780415108461 , 1994 , David Boucher
The physiology of the joints annotated diagrams of the mechanics of the human joints
ISBN 9780443036187 , 2007 , Ibrahim Adalbert Kapandji
Learning How to Ask: A Sociolinguistic Appraisal of the Role of the Interview in Social Science Research
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Why Dolphins Cooperate?: Coordinated Cooperation of the Bottlenose Dolphin from an Integrated Social-economic Perspective
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Ethics and Values in Social Work
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The Future History of the Arctic
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Social Divisions, Second Edition
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Exploring Social Psychology
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Persuasion, Social Influence, and Compliance Gaining
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The Political Economy of a Social Europe: Understanding Labour Market Integration in the European Union
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A History of the British Isles
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Applied Social Research: A Tool for the Human Services
ISBN 9780495603634 , 2008 , Thomas Sullivan, Duane R. Monette,m.fl.
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The Social Sciences Since the Second World War
ISBN 9780878558728 , 1982 , Daniel Bell
The social sciences since the Second World War
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The Psycholinguistics of Bilingualism
ISBN 9781444332797 , 2012 , Francois Grosjean, Ping Li
The Social Contract from Hobbes to Rawls
ISBN 9780415108454 , 1994 , David Boucher, P. J. (Paul Joseph) Kelly
The Sense of Hearing
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A handbook for the study of mental health: social contexts, theories, and systems
ISBN 9780521567633 , 1999 , Allan V. Horwitz, Teresa L. Scheid