Søk: 'Cinema Wars: Hollywood Film and Politics in the Bush-Cheney Era'
The Politics of Global Supply Chains: Power and Governance Beyond the State
ISBN 9780745661711 , 2013 , Kate Macdonald
Analyzing Politics: Rationality, Behavior, and Institutions
ISBN 9780393935073 , 2010
A Companion to Literature and Film
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Rhetoric Online: The Politics of New Media
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Madam Prime Minister: A Life in Power and Politics
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Power in Movement: Social Movements, Collective Action and Politics
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Gender, Politics, and Islam
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A Companion to Literature and Film
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The Essentials of UK Politics
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Producing Great Sound for Film and Video
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People, states and fear: an agenda for international security studies in the post-cold war era
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Congress and the Politics of U.S.Foreign Policy
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Non-Governmental Organizations in World Politics: The Construction of Global Governance
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Film Theory: An Introduction Through the Senses
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Science and Technology in a Multicultural World: The Cultural Politics of Facts and Artifacts
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