Søk: 'Concepts in Film Theory'
Computer Numerical Control: Concepts and Programming
ISBN 9780766822900 , 2001
Corporate Communication: A Guide to Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781446274958 , 2014 , Joep Cornelissen
C++ Programming and Fundamental Concepts
ISBN 9780131182660 , 1992
Systems Engineering : Theory and Practice
ISBN 9788484685395 , 2014 , Alberto Sols Rodríguez-Candela
Computational Intelligence in Time Series Forecasting: Theory and Engineering Applications
ISBN 9781852339487 , 2005 , Ajoy K. Palit, Dobrivoje Popovic
Serial Music, Serial Aesthetics: Compositional Theory in Post-War Europe
ISBN 9780521619929 , 2005 , Arnold Whittall, M.J. Grant
Moving viewers: American film and the spectator's experience
ISBN 9780520256958 , 2009 , Carl R. Plantinga
Financial Accounting Theory
ISBN 9780130655776 , 2003 , Scott, William R. (William Robert)
Financial Theory and Corporate Policy: Pearson New International Edition
ISBN 9781292021584 , 2013 , Kuldeep Shastri, Thomas E. Copeland
Many-Body Quantum Theory in Condensed Matter Physics: An Introduction
ISBN 9780198566335 , 2004 , Henrik Bruus, Karsten Flensberg
Pursuing grounded theory in law: South-North experiences in developing women's law
ISBN 9788251836821 , 1998 , Anne Hellum, Welshman Ncube, Torben Agersnap,m.fl.
Passionate views: film, cognition, and emotion
ISBN 9780801860102 , 1999 , Carl R. Plantinga, Greg M. Smith
Situating Social Theory
ISBN 9780335210787 , 2008 , Tim May, Jason L. Powell
Concepts and Techniques of Geographic Information Systems
ISBN 9780131495029 , 2006 , C.P. Lo, Albert K.W. Yeung
Sectoral Systems of Innovation: Concepts, Issues and Analyses of Six Major Sectors in Europe
ISBN 9780521833219 , 2004 , Franco Malerba
Accounting Theory
ISBN 9781861525208 , 2000
Art in Theory 1815-1900: An Anthology of Changing Ideas
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Probability: Theory and Examples
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Marketing for Entrepreneurs: Concepts and Applications for New Ventures
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A Political Theory of Identity in European Integration: Memory and Policies
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New Perspectives on Computer Concepts: Comprehensive
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Designing and Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies & Case Studies
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Literary Theory: The Basics
ISBN 9780203939628 , 2007 , Johannes Willem Bertens
Film; filmhistorie, filmsjangere, regissører, anbefalte filmer
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International Finance: Theory Into Practice
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Marxist Literary Theory: Theory and Evidence
ISBN 9780631185819 , 1995 , Terry Eagleton
History And Social Theory
ISBN 9780745634074 , 2005 , Peter Burke
Media economics: concepts and issues
ISBN 9780803935013 , 1989 , Robert G. Picard
Voice and Vision: A Creative Approach to Narrative Film and DV Production
ISBN 9780240811581 , 2011 , Mick Hurbis-Cherrier
Sheaf Theory
ISBN 9780387949055 , 1997 , Glen E. Bredon