Søk: 'End of Millennium, Volume III: The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture'
The European Economy: 1914-2000
ISBN 9780415250634 , 2001 , Derek Howard Aldcroft, Steven (1955- ). Morewood
An Introduction to the Anthropology of Melanesia: Culture and Tradition
ISBN 9780521588362 , 1998 , Paul Sillitoe
Researching Information Systems and Computing
ISBN 9781412902236 , 2005 , Briony J. Oates
European Media in the Digital Age: Analysis and Approaches
ISBN 9781405821971 , 2009 , Richard Rooke
The Way of the World: The Bildungsroman in European Culture
ISBN 9781859842980 , 2000 , Franco Moretti
The case against perfection: ethics in the age of genetic engineering
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The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World
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Information Choice in Macroeconomics and Finance
ISBN 9780691142203 , 2011 , Laura L. Veldkamp
Out of Many: Brief, Combined Volume: A History of the American People
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Life, Volume 1: The Science of Biology: The Cell and Heredity [With Study Guide]
ISBN 9781429287777 , 2010 , David M. Hillis, David E. Sadava, H. Craig Heller,m.fl.
The History of Norway: From the Ice Age to Today
ISBN 9788280710413 , 2003 , Øivind Stenersen, Ivar Libæk
Humor and Moroccan Culture
ISBN 9780615142845 , 2007 , Helmke Matthew
Slavery, Atlantic Trade and the British Economy, 1660-1800
ISBN 9780521588140 , 2001 , Economic History Society, Kenneth Morgan
Practices of Looking: An Introduction to Visual Culture
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American Politics and Society
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Geographic Information Systems and Science
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The Encyclopedia of Ancient Myths an Culture
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The Post-Imperial Age: The Great Powers and the Wider World
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A Culture of Improvement
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The End of Empire in French West Africa: France's Successful Decolonization?
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Arbeidslivets spilleregler I-III
ISBN 9788215006956 , 2004 , Arve Due Lund, Tom H. Beck, Nils Storeng
Social Experiments with Information Technology and the Challenges of Innovation
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The European Iron Age
ISBN 9780415151399 , 1984 , John Collis
Re-Thinking Science: Knowledge and the Public in an Age of Uncertainty
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The Middle East Water Question: Hydropolitics and the Global Economy
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Globalization and Culture
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Against the Machine: Being Human in the Age of the Electronic Mob
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Culture and Morality: The Relativity of Values in Anthropology
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Computational Macroeconomics for the Open Economy
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Information and communication technologies in the welfare services
ISBN 9781843100492 , 2003 , Elizabeth Harlow, Stephen A. Webb