Søk: 'Essential Ethnographic Methods: Observations, Interviews, and Questionnaires'
Qualitative Methods in Management Research
ISBN 9780761920144 , 1999
Adaptive Perspectives on Human-Technology Interaction: Methods and Models for Cognitive Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction
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Atomic and Nuclear Analytical Methods: XRF, Mossbauer, XPS, NAA and Ion-Beam Spectroscopic Techniques
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Music - the Business: The Essential Guide to the Law and the Deals
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Mechanical Behavior of Materials: Engineering Methods for Deformation, Fracture and Fatigue
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Studyguide for Research Design and Methods by Bordens, ISBN 9780073125985: 0073125989
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Research Methods in Social Relations
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Cryptology: machines, history, & methods
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Mathematical Methods in Linguistics
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Modern Methods for Business Research
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Studyguide for Essential Biochemistry by Pratt, Charlotte W., ISBN 9780470504772
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Basic Methods in Protein Chemistry
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Qualitative Methods in Management Research
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Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences: International Edition
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Spectroscopic methods in organic chemistry
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Dynamic Portfolio Strategies: Quantitative Methods and Empirical Rules for Incomplete Information
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