Søk: 'Film Genre Reader Three'
The bare bones camera course for film and video
ISBN 9780960371815 , 1982 , Tom Schroeppel
Den forføreriske filmen: om bruk av film i norskfaget
ISBN 9788245600179 , 1995 , Arne Engelstad
A History of Shakespeare on Screen: A Century of Film and Television
ISBN 9780521835374 , 2004 , Kenneth S. Rothwell
Creative postproduction: editing, sound, visual effects, and music for film and video
ISBN 9780205375752 , 2004 , Patrick Williams, Michael Brown, Robert Benedetti,m.fl.
Closely Watched Films: An Introduction to the Art of Narrative Film Technique
ISBN 9780520238626 , 2004
The Visual Story: Seeing the Structure of Film, Tv, and New Media
ISBN 9780240804675 , 2001 , Bruce A. Block
Breaking the frame: film language and the experience of limits
ISBN 9780253206213 , 1991 , Inez Hedges
Film directing shot by shot: visualizing from concept to screen
ISBN 9780941188104 , 1991 , Steven D. Katz
A Franz Boas Reader: The Shaping of American Anthropology, 1883-1911
ISBN 9780226062433 , 1989 , Franz Boas, George W. Stocking
The Fin de Siècle: A Reader in Cultural History, C.1880-1900
ISBN 9780198742791 , 2000 , Sally Ledger, Roger Luckhurst
American film personnel and company credits, 1908-1920: filmographies reordered by authoritative organizational and personal names from Lauritzen and Lundquist's American film-index
ISBN 9780786402557 , 1996 , Paul C. Spehr, Gunnar Lundquist, Einar Lauritzen
Kino: A History of the Russian and Soviet Film
ISBN 9780691003467 , 1983 , Jay Leyda
Classical Film Violence: Designing and Regulating Brutality in Hollywood Cinema, 1930-1968
ISBN 9780813532806 , 2003
Cinematic translation of Ionel Teodoreanu's Lorelei: creating a film script from a classic Romanian novel
ISBN 9780773456082 , 2007 , Doris Plantus-Runey
Film Architecture and the Transnational Imagination: set Design in 1930s European Cinema
ISBN 9789053569849 , 1999 , Sarah Street, Tim Bergfelder, Sue Harris
Media in a Globalized Society: Northern Lights - Film and Media Studies Yearbook 2003
ISBN 9788772898612 , 2003
The Yalom Reader: Selections from the Work of a Master Therapist and Storyteller
ISBN 9780465036103 , 1998 , Irvin D. Yalom
Limited Wants, Unlimited Means: A Reader On Hunter-Gatherer Economics And The Environment
ISBN 9781559635554 , 1997 , John M. Gowdy
Stille for opptak - og action!: en faktabok om film og TV-opptak
ISBN 9788251784160 , 2001 , Axel Hellstenius, Bård Løvvig
A New Drama (Un Drama Nuevo): A Tragedy in Three Acts from the Spanish of Don Manuel Tamayo Y Baus
ISBN 9781144509918 , 2010 , Manuel Tamayo y. Baus
Level Media Studies Information Pack: TV Costume Drama
ISBN 9780851706924 , 1999 , Great Britain: British Film Institute
A Certain Realism: Making Use of Passolini's Film Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780520078550 , 1993 , Maurizio Sanzio Viano
Hermeneutics Reader: Texts of the German Tradition from the Enlightenment to the Present
ISBN 9780826404022 , 1997 , Kurt Mueller-Vollmer
Konst och film. D. 1, Texter fore 1970 : Skriftserien Kairos Nr 9:1
ISBN 9789187215452 , 2004 , Trond Lundemo
A New Drama (Un Drama Nuevo); a Tragedy in Three Acts from the Spanish of Don Manuel Tamayo Y Baus;
ISBN 9781117606576 , 2009 , Manuel Tamayo Baus
A New Drama (Un Drama Nuevo); a Tragedy in Three Acts from the Spanish of Don Manuel Tamayo Y Baus;
ISBN 9781117606569 , 2009 , Manuel Tamayo Baus
Cinema of the Other Europe: The Industry and Artistry of East Central European Film
ISBN 9781903364611 , 2003
Moving forward, looking back: the European avant-garde and the invention of film culture, 1919-1939
ISBN 9789053569603 , 2007
Moving Forward, Looking Back: The European Avant-garde and the Invention of Film Culture, 1919-1939
ISBN 9789053569610 , 2007
A Progressive German Reader: Adapted to the American Edition of Ollendorff's German Grammar: With Notes and a Vocabulary
ISBN 9781144346841 , 2010 , George J. Adler