Søk: 'Food and Cultural Studies'
Hygiene for Management: A Text for Food Safety Courses
ISBN 9781904544524 , 2005 , Richard A. Sprenger
Bovine Neonatology, An Issue of Veterinary Clinics: Food Animal Practice
ISBN 9781437705591 , 2009 , Geof W. Smith
Food for all: the need for a new agriculture
ISBN 9781842770184 , 2002 , John Madeley
Naturals: A Guide to Food Organisms of the Trout
ISBN 9780811721202 , 2002 , Gary A. Borger
Épocas y avances: lengua en su contexto cultural
ISBN 9780300108361 , 2007
Myth, Meaning, And Performance: Toward a New Cultural Sociology of the Arts
ISBN 9781594512155 , 2006 , Lisa McCormick, Professor Ron Eyerman
Adding Values to Livestock Diversity. Marketing to Promote Local Breeds and Improve Livelihoods: Fao Animal Production and Health Paper
ISBN 9789251064535 , 2010 , Food and Agriculture Organization, Evelyn Mathias,m.fl.
Choice Cuts: A Selection of Food Writing from Around the World and Throughout History
ISBN 9780099449973 , 2004 , Mark Kurlansky
AARP The Food-Mood Solution: All-Natural Ways to Banish Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Stress, Overeating, and Alcohol and Drug Problems--and Feel Good A
ISBN 9781118245804 , 2011 , Jack Challem
AARP The Food-Mood Solution: All-Natural Ways to Banish Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Stress, Overeating, and Alcohol and Drug Problems--and Feel Good A
ISBN 9781118245828 , 2011 , Jack Challem
The Global Food Economy: The Battle for the Future of Farming
ISBN 9781842777954 , 2007 , Anthony John Weis
Cross-Cultural Management: A Knowledge Management Perspective
ISBN 9780273646808 , 2001 , Nigel Holden
The Invention of Art: A Cultural History
ISBN 9780226753430 , 2003 , Larry Shiner
The South African tripod: studies on economics, politics, and conflict
ISBN 9789171063410 , 1994 , Bertil Oden, Thomas Ohlson, Alex Davidson,m.fl.
Performing Financial Studies: A Methodological Cookbook
ISBN 9780130479815 , 2003 , Robert Schwegler, Marcia Muth, Michael J. Seiler
Europe After Rome: A New Cultural History 500-1000
ISBN 9780192892638 , 2007 , Julia Smith
Towards a cultural philology: Phèdre and the construction of 'Racine'
ISBN 9781900755146 , 1999 , Amy Wygant
Dialogic Inquiry: Towards a Socio-cultural Practice and Theory of Education
ISBN 9780521637251 , 1999 , Gordon Wells
Online Course Pack: Conformity and Conflict: Readings in Cultural Anthropology with Research Navigator Access Card
ISBN 9781405837330
Cultures of Environmentalism: Empirical Studies in Environmental Sociology
ISBN 9780230237117 , 2009 , Steven Yearley
Female Infanticide in India: A Feminist Cultural History
ISBN 9780791463284 , 2005
Territorial Conflicts in World Society: Modern Systems Theory, International Relations and Conflict Studies
ISBN 9780415416740 , 2007 , Stephan Stetter
Organizing Innovation: New Approaches to Cultural Change And Intervention in Public Sector Organizations
ISBN 9781586035785 , 2006 , Marcel Veenswijk
Visual Authorship: Creativity and Intentionality in Media (Northern Lights - Film and Media Studies Yearbook 2004)
ISBN 9788763501286 , 2004 , Torben Grodal, Bente Larsen,m.fl.
Lowering the Boom: Critical Studies in Film Sound
ISBN 9780252075322 , 2008 , Jay Beck, Tony Grajeda
Ask Your Body: Relieve Your Food Allergies Instantly and Naturally With Music Testing
ISBN 9781891850097 , 1998 , Elizabeth Spicer, Ph.D
Africa Conflict, Peace and Governance Monitor, 2005: An Annual Publication on the State of Governance in Africa
ISBN 9789783693784 , 2005 , m.fl.
Conversation Analysis: Studies from the First Generation
ISBN 9789027253675 , 2004 , Gene H. Lerner
Environmentalism and Cultural Theory: Exploring the Role of Anthropology in Environmental Discourse
ISBN 9780203205440 , 2002 , Kay Milton
Translation Studies: An Integrated Approach
ISBN 9789027220608 , 1988 , Mary Snell-Hornby