Søk: 'No Logo!: La Tyrannie des marques.'
Advanced Technology for Design and Fabrication of Composite Materials and Structures: Applications to the Automotive, Marine, Aerospace and Construction Industry
ISBN 9780792333036 , 1995 , George C. Sih, A. Carpinteri, G. Surace,m.fl.
Cucurbit Diseases: Observation, Identification and control
ISBN 9781874545156 , 1994 , D. Blancard, M. Pitrat,m.fl.
China on the Move: A Franco-American Analysis of Emerging Chinese Strategic Policies and Their Consequences for Transatlantic Relations
ISBN 9780833036766 , 1999 , David C. Gompert, François Godement,m.fl.
Human Rights: Law and Practice
ISBN 9780406901262 , 1999 , Emma Dixon, Ben Emmerson, Javan Herberg,m.fl.