Søk: 'Political Thought in Europe, 1250-1450'
Continuing the Reformation: Essays on Modern Religious Thought
ISBN 9780226288710 , 1993 , Brian Albert Gerrish
Inventing Europe: idea, identity, reality
ISBN 9780333622032 , 1995 , Jo Campling, Gerard Delanty
Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam
ISBN 9780674008779 , 2003 , Gilles Kepel
Sectoral Systems of Innovation: Concepts, Issues and Analyses of Six Major Sectors in Europe
ISBN 9780521833219 , 2004 , Franco Malerba
Ajax - the Dutch, the War; football in Europe during the Second World War
ISBN 9780752842745 , 2003 , Simon Kuper
Political anthropology: an introduction
ISBN 9780897890298 , 1983 , Ted C. Lewellen
The importance of being decent: political discourse on immigration in Norway 1970-2002
ISBN 9788253026466 , 2004 , Anniken Hagelund
Twenty Years of Islamic Revolution: Political and Social Transition in Iran Since 1979
ISBN 9780815629757 , 2002 , Eric James Hooglund
Altering states: ethnographies of transition in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union
ISBN 9780472086177 , 2000 , Matti Bunzl
What Is a Nation?: Europe 1789-1914
ISBN 9780199562503 , 2009 , Timothy Baycroft, Mark Hewitson
Elements of Geography: Mathematical, Physical and Political
ISBN 9781147043525 , 2010 , Elements
Elements Of Geography - Mathematical, Physical And Political
ISBN 9781445541464 , 2010 , Anon.
The Hotel Book: Great Escapes Europe
ISBN 9783822858899 , 2002 , Shelley-Maree Cassidy, Angelika Taschen
Reconstruction of Western Europe, 1945-51
ISBN 9780203393130 , 2004 , Alan S. Milward
Clausewitz's Puzzle: The Political Theory of War
ISBN 9780199202690 , 2007
American Higher Education in the Twenty?First Century ? Social, Political and Economic Challenges 2e
ISBN 9780801880346 , 2005 , 2. utgave , Patricia J. Gumport, Philip Geoffrey Altbach
Understanding International Conflicts: An Introduction to Theory and History : Longman Classics in Political Science
ISBN 9780321393951 , 2007 , Joseph S Nye, Jr.
The Oxford Handbook of the History of Political Philosophy
ISBN 9780199679539 , 2013 , George Klosko
Dynasty and Diplomacy in the Court of Savoy: Political Culture and the Thirty Years' War
ISBN 9780521037914 , 2007 , Toby Osborne
Globalisation and labour struggle in Asia: a neo-Gramscian critique of South Korea's political economy
ISBN 9781845113780 , 2007 , Phoebe V. Moore
Altering states: ethnographies of transition in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union
ISBN 9780472110582 , 2000
Humour and Folly in Secular and Profane Printes of Northern Europe, 1430-1540
ISBN 9781872501093 , 2002 , Christa Grossinger
Festive Culture in Germany and Europe from the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century
ISBN 9780773477698 , 2000 , Karin Friedrich
Poles Together?: The Emergence and Development of Political Parties in Post-Communist Poland
ISBN 9789639241237 , 2001 , Aleks Szczerbiak
Cassandra and other selections from Suggestions for thought
ISBN 9781851960224 , 1991 , Mary Poovey, Florence Nightingale
Reformation of the Sixteenth Century in Its Relation to Modern Thought and Knowledge
ISBN 9780313224102 , 1962 , Charles Austin Beard
Introduction to Medieval Europe, 300-1550: Age of Discretion
ISBN 9780415346986 , 2007 , Wim Blockmans
Twentieth-century Jewellery: From Art Nouveau to Comtemporary Design in Europe and the United States
ISBN 9788861305328 , 2009
Bridging divides: the Channel Tunnel and English legal identity in the new Europe
ISBN 9780520216112 , 1999 , Eve Darian-Smith
The realities of witchcraft and popular magic in early modern Europe: culture, cognition, and everyday life
ISBN 9781403997814 , 2008 , Edward Bever