Søk: 'The new Europe: changing economic relations between East and West'
Insiders and Outsiders: Dilemmas of East European Jewry
ISBN 9781906764005 , 2010 , Jonathan Frankel, Richard I. Cohen,m.fl.
The Handbook of Economic Sociology, Second Edition
ISBN 9780691121260 , 2005 , 2. utgave , Neil J. Smelser, Richard Swedberg
The worldly philosophers: the lives, times, and ideas of the great economic thinkers
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Before the Windrush: Race Relations in 20th-Century Liverpool
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Political Economy: The Contest of Economic Ideas
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Charterhouse: Old and New
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Economic Development and Problem of Displacement
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The Rise of the Public in Enlightenment Europe
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Sociological Theory And Criminological Research: Views from Europe and the United States
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Ancient cities - the archaeology of urban life in the ancient near east and
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Contemporary Economic Ethics and Business Ethics
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A Moroccan Wedding Ceremony Between Tradition and Modernity: The Role of Women in the Preparations
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A Changing Climate
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Changing Children's Minds
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Crossing borders, changing minds?
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Western Europe
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Federalism and the European Union: The Building of Europe, 1950-2000
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Read Between My Lines: The Musical And Life Journey of Stevie Nicks
ISBN 9780978687014 , 2006 , Sandra Halliburton
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in International Law
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Economic Sociology
ISBN 9781858983271 , 1996 , Richard Swedberg
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Nation and Gender in Contemporary Europe
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Contemporary Economic Sociology: Globalization, Work And Inequality
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