Søk: 'Ulysses: Annotated Student Edition'
Mechanical Measurements: International Edition
ISBN 9780136093763 , 2008
Macroeconomics: updated edition
ISBN 9780071216715 , 2002 , J. Bradford DeLong
Advanced Engineering Math 9th Edition with Mathematica Computer Manual 9th Edition Set
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Essentials of Genetics Student Handbook & Solutions Manual
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Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists: Pearson New International Edition
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Statistics for Psychology: International Edition
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Managing Supply Chains: A Logistics Approach with Student CD
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Psychology, Fifth Edition
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Valuepack: Brock Biology of Microorganism and student companion website plus 2 grade tracker access card: International Edition/ Current Issues in Microbiology, Vol 1
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BTEC Level 3 National Sport and Exercise Sciences Student Book
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Introduction to Programming with C++,International Edition
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Organizational Behavior Custom Edition for NHH Bergen
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Calculus and Its Applications: International Edition
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Fundamentals of Corporate Finance: Global Edition
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Principles of Econometrics, 3rd Edition
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Transport Phenomena, Revised 2nd Edition
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Design and Analysis of Experiments, International Student Version, 7th Edit
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Webct Student Access Kit for Biology: Concepts & Connections
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Student manual for digital signal processing with MATLAB
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University Calculus: Elements Plus MyMathLab Student Starter Kit
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Personality psychology: a student-centered approach
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Anti-Discriminatory Practice: Second Edition
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Engineering Fluid Mechaqnics Eighth Edition
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