Søk: 'Understanding society through popular music'
Tren Pasa Primero/ the Train Passes Through First
ISBN 9788466368698 , 2007
Cahier De Preparation Sequences: Intermediate French Through Film
ISBN 9781413020083 , 2007 , Michele Bissiere, Kelle Truby
Logistics management and strategy: competing through the supply chain
ISBN 9780273712763 , 2008 , Alan Harrison, Remko Van Hoek
Understanding Data Communications and Networks.
ISBN 9780534950545 , 1999 , William A. Shay
Understanding Relational Database Query Languages
ISBN 9780130286529 , 2001 , Suzanne W. Dietrich
Approaches to Understanding Visual Culture
ISBN 9780333772881 , 2001 , Malcolm Barnard
Beneath The Southern Cross - Being The Impressions Gained On A Tour Through Australasia And South Africa On Behalf Of The Church Of England Men's Society
ISBN 9781444621549 , 2009
Louis Armstrong: The Life, Music, and Screen Career
ISBN 9780786418572 , 2004 , Scott Allen Nollen
Nature and Society: Anthropological Perspective
ISBN 9780415132152 , 1996 , Gísli Pálsson, Philippe Descola
Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to Language and Society
ISBN 9780140289213 , 2000 , Peter Trudgill
Rethinking Popular Culture: Contemporary Perspectives in Cultural Studies
ISBN 9780520068933 , 1991 , Michael Schudson, Chandra. Mukerji
All You Need to Know About the Music Business: Eighth Edition
ISBN 9781451682465 , 2012 , 8. utgave , Donald S. Passman
Social and Personal Identity: Understanding Yourself
ISBN 9780761944881 , 2004 , Derek Layder
Understanding Behaviorism: Behavior, Culture, and Evolution
ISBN 9781405112628 , 2004 , William M. Baum
The Secret Society of Demolition Writers
ISBN 9781400101788 , 2005 , Michael Connelly, Sebastian Junger, Anna Quindlen,m.fl.
The Secret Society of Demolition Writers
ISBN 9781400131785 , 2005 , Michael Connelly, Sebastian Junger, Anna Quindlen,m.fl.
The Secret Society of Demolition Writers
ISBN 9781400151783 , 2005 , Michael Connelly, Sebastian Junger, Anna Quindlen,m.fl.
Chinese Society: Change, Conflict and Resistance
ISBN 9780415301695 , 2003 , Elizabeth J. Perry, Mark Selden
Reggae Explosion: The Story of Jamaican Music
ISBN 9781852279257 , 2001 , Adrian Boot, Chris Salewicz
The Developing Person Through the Life Span
ISBN 9781572594296 , 2001 , Kathleen Stassen Berger, Ross A. Thompson
Understanding Finance: Expert Solutions to Everyday Challenges
ISBN 9781422118832 , 2007 , Harvard Business School Press
Leisure and Society in Colonial Brazzaville
ISBN 9780521524469 , 2002 , David Anderson, Carolyn Brown,m.fl.
Myth, Religion and Society
ISBN 9780521296403 , 1982 , Jean-Pierre Vernant, R.L. Gordon, Marcel Detienne,m.fl.
Hegel and Modern Society
ISBN 9780521293518 , 1979 , Charles Taylor, Robert B. Pippin
Popular Fiction: The Logics and Practices of a Literary Field
ISBN 9780203023365 , 2004 , Ken Gelder
Again, Again!: Understanding Schemas in Young Children
ISBN 9781905019953 , 2008 , Sally Featherstone, Clare Beswick, Stella Louis
The media in question: popular cultures and public interests
ISBN 9780761957225 , 1998 , Liesbet van Zoonen, Joke Hermes, Kees Brants
Society of the Spectacle
ISBN 9780934868075 , 1977 , Guy Debord
A discography of Tudor church music
ISBN 9780712305037 , 1989 , Timothy Day
The rise of the network society
ISBN 9780631221401 , 2000 , Manuel Castells