Søk: 'Urban Renaissance: Glasgow Lessons for Innovation and Implementation'
Akademisk skriving: for bachelor- og masterstudenter
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Mobile Technology for Children: Designing for Interaction and Learning
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Medierett for journalister
ISBN 9788271473600 , 2013 , Nils E. Øy
Business Intelligence and Analytics: Systems for Decision Support, Global Edition
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Foundations for Health Promotion: Public Health and Health Promotion Practice
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Type on Screen: A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Developers, and Students
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Studies in Iconology: Humanistic Themes in the Art of the Renaissance
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Introductory Econometrics for Finance
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Praktisk fagdidaktikk for religionsfagene
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Student Study Guide for Linear Algebra and Its Applications
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Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance
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Ball and Moore's Essential Physics for Radiographers
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Tilbakemelding for læring og utvikling
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Modern Physics: for Scientists and Engineers
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Accounting and Finance for Non-Specialists
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Adoption of Environmental Innovations: The Dynamics of Innovation as Interplay Between Business Competence, Environmental Orientation, and Network Involvement
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MATLAB for Engineers: Global Edition
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Politisk-administrative rammer for barnehageledelse
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Event Studies: Theory, Research and Policy for Planned Events
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Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses
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Statistics for Business and Economics
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Statistics for Management and Economics
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Statistics for business and economics
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Accounting and Finance for Non-Specialists
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Physics for Scientists and Engineers: Student Solutions Manual and Study Guide
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Improving Organizational Interventions for Stress and Well-Being
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Engineering Methods and Tools for Software Safety and Security
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Oppdag naturen: biologi for lærere
ISBN 9788245014846 , 2014 , Sigmund Lie, Trond Vidar Vedum,m.fl.
Norsk for fagskolen
ISBN 9788256273287 , 2014 , Marion Federl, Arve Hoel
Vurdering for læring
ISBN 9788276341935 , 2007 , Knut Roar Engh, Stephen Dobson,m.fl.