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A Portrait of the Young in the New Multilingual Spain
ISBN 9781847690234 , 2008 , Carmen Perez-Vidal, Maria Juan-Garau, Aurora Bel
A Portrait of the Young in the New Multilingual Spain
ISBN 9781847690227 , 2008 , Carmen Perez-Vidal, Maria Juan-Garau, Aurora Bel
Jesus Beyond Nationalism: Constructing the Historical Jesus in a Period of Cultural Complexity
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Jesus Beyond Nationalism: Constructing the Historical Jesus in a Period of Cultural Complexity
ISBN 9781845534103 , 2009 , Halvor Moxnes, Ward Blanton, James G. Crossley
Antisocial Behavior by Young People: A Major New Review
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Empirical Futures: Anthropologists and Historians Engage the Work of Sidney W. Mintz
ISBN 9780807859889 , 2009 , George Baca, Aisha Khan, Stephan Palmié
Making sense of science: understanding the social study of science
ISBN 9780803986916 , 2004 , Steven Yearley
At What Price?: Conceptualizing and Measuring Cost-of-Living and Price Indexes
ISBN 9780309074421 , 2002 , National Academy of Sciences,m.fl.
Medical Genetics at a Glance
ISBN 9781405148467 , 2007 , Bruce R. Korf, Bruce R. Korf, MD, PhD
Total Engagement: Usiong Games and Virtual Worlds to Change the Way People Work and Businesses Compete
ISBN 9781422146576 , 2009
Ethical Issues in Social Work
ISBN 9780415101103 , 1995 , David Smith, Richard Hugman
Young Children Reinvent Arithmetic: Implications of Piaget's Theory
ISBN 9780807739044 , 1999 , Constance Kamii, Leslie Baker Housman
A Medical Aprenticeship [i.e. Apprenticeship]: Life As a Medical Student and Young Doctor in the 1950s and 1960s
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Asking Questions in Biology: A Guide to Hypothesis Testing, Experimental Design and Presentation in Practical Work and Research Projects
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Children and Young People Who Sexually Abuse Others: Policy and Practice Developments Since the Early 1990s
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The Shift: The Future of Work Is Already Here
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Active Learning Exercises for Social Work and the Human Services
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Community work in the Nordic countries - new trends
ISBN 9788215015088 , 2009 , Gunn Strand Hutchinson
Anetso, the Cherokee Ball Game: At the Center of Ceremony and Identity
ISBN 9780807833605 , 2010 , Michael J. Zogry
Social Work Practice: A Generalist Approach
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Number Skills Development for Teenagers with Down Syndrome (11-16 Years)
ISBN 9781903806159 , 2001 , Gillian Bird, Sue Buckley,m.fl.
The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad
ISBN 9780393047646 , 2003 , Fareed Zakaria
Last Things: Social Work with the Dying and Bereaved
ISBN 9780617010098 , 1989 , Terry Philpot
Surgery at a Glance, 4th Edition
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A portrait of the artist as a young man
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A Death at the Cricket
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Enemy at the Water Cooler
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Being Together, Working Apart: Dual-Career Families and the Work-Life Balance
ISBN 9780521607896 , 2005
Beyond the word: reconstructing sense in the Joyce era of technology, culture, and communication
ISBN 9780802006301 , 1995
A darkness at Sethanon
ISBN 9780586066881 , 1996 , Raymond E. Feist