Søk: 'Your Undergraduate Dissertation in Health and Social Care'
Dancing with Your Dragon: The Art of Loving Your Unlovable Self
ISBN 9780971137714 , 2011 , Shaeri Richards, Booth Mike
Social Control: Informal, Legal and Medical
ISBN 9780857243454 , 2010
Computers Are Your Future, Introductory
ISBN 9780135092811 , 2010 , Catherine LaBerta
Social Work and Direct Payments
ISBN 9781861343857 , 2002 , Jon Glasby, Rosemary Littlechild
Research Methods in the Social Sciences
ISBN 9780340662267 , 1996 , David Nachmias, Chava Frankfort-Nachmias
The Handbook of Work and Health Psychology
ISBN 9780471892762 , 2002 , Marc J. Schabracq, Jacques A.M. Winnubst
Animal Rights: Political and Social Change in Britain Since 1800
ISBN 9781861890610 , 2000 , Hilda Kean
Animal rights: political and social change in Britain since 1800
ISBN 9781861890146 , 1998 , Hilda Kean
Advances in Applied Social Psychology
ISBN 9780898592702 , 1983 , Michael J. Saks, Robert F. Kidd
Clinical Measurement Scales for Health Professionals: A Collection of Useful Scales and Hints for Health Professionals
ISBN 9783847343394 , 2012
A Guide to Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing
ISBN 9788184489446 , 2010 , R. Sreevani
A Dissertation on the Principles of Human Eloquence: With Particular Regard to the Style and Composi
ISBN 9781110058952 , 2009 , Thomas Leland
A Dissertation on the Principles of Human Eloquence: With Particular Regard to the Style and Composi
ISBN 9781110058969 , 2009 , Thomas Leland
Changing Social Equality: The Nordic Welfare Model in the 21st Century
ISBN 9781847426598 , 2011 , Johan Fritzell
Cannabis Use and Dependence: Public Health and Public Policy
ISBN 9780521800242 , 2003 , Wayne Hall, Rosalie Liccardo Pacula
Practical Public Health Nutrition
ISBN 9781444329223 , 2010 , Roger Hughes
Social Work Theories in Context: A Critical Introduction
ISBN 9781403916228 , 2005 , Karen Healy
Body Sense: Balancing Your Weight and Emotions
ISBN 9781582700373 , 2000 , Brenda Crawford-Clark
Social psychology in the 80s
ISBN 9780534029265 , 1984 , Kay Deaux
Child in Pain: What Health Professionals Can Do to Help
ISBN 9781845904364 , 2010 , Leora Kuttner
A Sociology of Mental Health and Illness
ISBN 9780335203475 , 1999 , David Pilgrim
Access, Quality and Satisfaction With Care: Concerns of Patients, Providers and Insurers
ISBN 9780762313204 , 2007 , Jennie Jacobs Kronenfeld
Child Care and Inequality: Re-Thinking Carework for Children and Youth
ISBN 9780415933513 , 2002 , Demie Kurz, Andrew S. London, Rebecca Reviere,m.fl.
The Body and Social Theory
ISBN 9780761942849 , 2003 , Chris Shilling
Social Capital and Governance: Old and New Members of the European Union in Comparison
ISBN 9783825896584 , 2006 , Adam Frane
Reclaiming Social Work: Challenging Neo-liberalism and Promoting Social Justice
ISBN 9781412906920 , 2007 , Iain Ferguson
The Social Turn in Second Language Acquisition
ISBN 9780748615520 , 2003 , David Block
Anatomy and Physiology Applied to Health Professions
ISBN 9780443070310 , 2002 , Jennifer Rhind, Joyce Greig
Community Health and Wellness: A Socioecological Approach
ISBN 9780729536738 , 2002
The Social Animal
ISBN 9781429233415 , 2011 , Elliot Aronson