Søk: 'A Better World'
The World of "the Dark Crystal"
ISBN 9780810945791 , 2003 , Brian Froud, J.J. Llewellyn
The Oxford History of the Roman World
ISBN 9780192802033 , 2001 , Oswyn Murray, John Boardman, Jasper Griffin
Global shadows: Africa in the neoliberal world order
ISBN 9780822337058 , 2006 , James Ferguson
Globalization And Organization: World Society And Organizational Change
ISBN 9780199284542 , 2006
24 and philosophy: the world according to Jack
ISBN 9781405171045 , 2007
Preparing Teachers for a Changing World: What Teachers Should Learn and Be Able to Do
ISBN 9780787974640 , 2005 , Linda Darling-Hammond, John Bransford
World Poverty and Human Rights: Cosmopolitan Responsibilities and Reforms
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Exceptional People: How Migration Shaped Our World and Will Define Our Future
ISBN 9780691156316 , 2012 , Ian Goldin
Britain's Place in the World
ISBN 9780415139373 , 1996 , Alan S. Milward
Travel in the Ancient World
ISBN 9780801848087 , 1994 , Lionel Casson
Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics
ISBN 9780821361030 , 2007 , World Bank, François Bourguignon,m.fl.
Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why The World Needs A Green Revolution - and How We Can Renew Our Global Future
ISBN 9780141036663 , 2009 , Thomas L. Friedman
Making sense of the social world: methods of investigation
ISBN 9781412969390 , 2010 , Daniel F. Chambliss, Russell K. Schutt
The United Nations and Changing World Politics: Sixth Edition
ISBN 9780813344355 , 2010 , 6. utgave , Thomas G. Weiss, Roger A. Coate,m.fl.
Around the World in Knitted Socks: 26 Inspired Designs
ISBN 9781596682306 , 2010 , Stephanie van der Linden
A World without Words: The Social Construction of Children Born Deaf and Blind
ISBN 9781566392167 , 1994 , David Goode, Irving Kenneth Zola
The Norwegian Domination and the Norse World: C.1100 - C.1400
ISBN 9788251925631 , 2010 , Steinar Imsen
The Declining World Order: America's Imperial Geopolitics
ISBN 9780415946933 , 2004 , Professor Richard A Falk
Thirteenth Beach: Diving Adventures Around The World
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Internet & World Wide Web: How to Program
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Tourism and Development in the Developing World
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World Citizenship: Cosmopolitan Thinking and Its Opponents
ISBN 9780826477545 , 2004 , Derek Heater
Politisk økologi: miljø, mennesker og makt
ISBN 9788215011271 , 2010 , Hanne Svarstad, Tor A. Benjaminsen
Richard Wright: From Black Boy to World Citizen
ISBN 9781566638241 , 2010 , Jennifer Jensen Wallach
National Museums: New Studies from Around the World
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National Museums: New Studies from Around the World
ISBN 9780415547741 , 2010 , Arne Bugge Amundsen, Simon Knell, Peter Aronsson
Instructor's Manual to Accompany Business Dynamics: Systems Thinking and Modelling for a Complex World
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Theory in a Nutshell
ISBN 9780070278431 , 2010 , Elizabeth Harris, Don Nutbeam, Marilyn Wise
The World in Your Kitchen
ISBN 9781869847258 , 1995 , Troth Wells
German Insignia of World War II
ISBN 9780785814733 , 2002 , Chris Bishop, Adam Warner